Sycamore Township of Dekalb County, IL.

Elmwood Cemetery Map

The surname pages contain a Section location letter in the far right column.  See example below.  These section letters were devised by the individuals who walked the cemetery and recorded tombstone information to help them organize their work.  They have no meaning to the people running the cemetery.  They use numbers and letters to identify cemetery sections.  If you visit or write the cemetery you will need to reference the current section number or letter.  They are shown in bold on the map.  For example the section E referred to in the example is now identified as section 12. 

Surname First Name .  Birth Date

Death Date

Comments Section
BAACK Hermann A. b. 1890 d.  1946 - E

For your convenience, a current map of the cemetery with the old Section letters and current section number or letter is provided.   Questions regarding these maps should be directed to DKGenWebSheri@aol.com.  Please note:  the division line between sections D and E shown here is arbitrary, because the old map does not specify exactly where the line is.

Finally, the cemetery is quite large and there is only one person who can help you if you show up at the cemetery office.  Often he is busy with mowing and upkeep and cannot spend a lot of time helping you.  Please come prepared and take as little of his time as possible.

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This page maintained by Sheryl Dowden and copyrighted 2009 by Sheri Baker.  All Rights Reserved.
Copyright of information linked to from this page is owned by the Genealogical Society of DeKalb County and reproduced with permission.