Welcome to DeKalb County |
DeKalb County was established on March 4, 1837 from Kane County. Our County Seat is Sycamore Illinois. |
Clinton Township Public Library Historical Index
Since 1916 one of the duties of the librarian has been to keep a historical scrapbook of news items of important events which have occurred in the village and township. This and other historical items have been indexed in the following table. Use the "edit -> find" option on the page to locate family names or events. The first column will give you the box, folder and page number information you need to request copies from the library. To make requests write to the Clinton township Public Library, Archival Project, 110 South Elm Street, Waterman, IL 60556, or email CTPLibrary@mchsi.com. The library staff will fill your request as time permits.
1878-1879 Scrapbooks
1891-1892 Free Press Scrapbooks
1892-1894 Scrapbooks
1893-1911 Scrapbooks
Congdon-Waterman Illinois Yearbooks
1905-1907 Congdon-Waterman Illinois
1915-1916 Scrapbooks
1916-1919 Scrapbooks
1920-1922 Scrapbooks
1928-1929 Scrapbooks
Miscellaneous Records
008 004 001 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - White, Herrick, Davis, Dean, Nelson, Wilkinson, Johnson, Potter, Mercer, Brown, Graham, Bridge, Bradbury, Graeser, Reynolds, Specht, Matteson, Baker, Martin, Heeg, Hipple, Kennedy, Henderson, Pritchard, Wiltberger, Lamb, Wollenweber, Nelson, YOrng, Congdon, Schmidt, village hall, Low, Andrews, Greene, Peddicord, Dicky, Giles, Wiltse, Schermerhorn, Griffith, Kilgore, Whitford, Swift, chautauqua. |
008 004 002 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Whitford, Anderson, Fuller, Hipple, Graham, Wallace, Cross, Greeley, Schnibble, Jacobs, Gransen, Weber, Woods, Harpman, Smith, Greene, Dean. Carson, Stryker, Dixon, Miller, Tompkins, Kilgore, Noss, Kirkpatrick, Potter, Greeley, Derrick, Walker, Ilseman, Baie, Schmidt, Whitford, Davis, Giles, Cook, Wollenweber, accident. |
008 004 003 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Charlesworth, Carson, Roberts, Wilson, Klass, Woods, Kirkpatrick, Brown, temperance, Schnibbe, Olmstead, Yorng, Shaffer, Potter, Stryker, Gerguson, Miller, Schultz, Robinson, Gunderson, Henderson, Price, Schultz, McMillan, Noss, George, DAvis, Peddicord, Smith, Swift, Congdon, Giles, Wilkinson, Carson, White, Spechdt, Graham, Hunter, Griffith, Drake, Whitman, Minnick, sudan grass. |
008 004 004 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kilgore, Methodist church, Dean, Greene, Wakefield, domestic science, Holbo, Lamb, hope club, Brainerd, Potter, Schnibbe, Peddicord, Swift, Wilson, Ross, Stryker, Potter, Wallace, Sarbaugh, Fuller, Drake, Greeley, Furland, Tuntland, Makclin, White, Tallman, Morris, George, Reingardt, Johnson, Andrws, Martin, Spechdt, Cross, Whitford, Gibbons, Matteson, Cook, wiltberger, Griffith. |
008 004 005 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Herrick, Andrews, Hibben, Whitford, Marion, Greeley, Mizel, Graham, Howison, Fraser, Robinson, Greeley, Taylor, Spechmesser, Dean. Potter, Marion, Logeland, Schultz, Goss, Wilkinson, Hipple, Giles, bridge, Kauffman, Baker, Graeser, Oakley, Brown, Herrick, Nelson, Brown, Howison, Whitford, Swift, Huff, Beiler, Wiltse, Ferguson, HInes, DArling.. |
008 004 006 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carson, Harding, bRainerd, Dixon, Wiltberger, Carson, Spencer, Kirkpatrick, Jordon, Bowker, Pritchard, Congdon, Diehl, Stryker, White, Fuller, Wilkinson, Beiler, Coquelin, Lamb, Woods, Fuller, Potter, McNaughty, Kilgore, Swift, Dean. Tompkins, Hoag, Scott, Taylor, Greeley, Andrews, Tallman, Atherton, Nelson, lightning, McCormick. |
008 004 007 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - new high school building. McFarlane, Graeser, Wollenweber, Swift, Miller, Rowley, Huff, Osland, Carson, Stryker, Wilkinson, Brainerd, Swanson, Price, Dean. Zellar, Graham, Atherton, Thorne, Whitford, Merriman, Schultz, Hunt, Schnibbe. |
008 004 008 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Herrick, Brown, Bridge, Woods, Hipple, Cross, Swift, Mercer, Potter, Graeser, Wiltberger, Walker, Carr, Tallman, Greeley, Ames, Charlesworth, Woods, lamb, Congdon, Leihfeit, Weilert, baseball, sports, Stryker, Dean. Cox, Greenel, Carson, Wakefield, Simpson, Herrick, McFarlane, Kirkpatrick, Boken, Arnold, Gordon, Chestnut. |
008 004 009 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Johnson, McDougall, Taylor, old settlers, Woods, Fuller, Potter, Davis, Wallace, Meyers, Hardy, White, Drake, Wollenweber, Sorber, Halderman, Duffy, Herrick, Dunlap, Kirkpatrick, Noss, Presbyterian church, Thorpe, Farley, Hall, Watson, baseball, sports, Wiltse, Atherton, Wielert, Oakley, Kopp, Gibson, Mercer, Thorne, Gibbons, Griffith, Roberts, Graham. |
008 004 010 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Congdon, Wiltberger, Schultz, Miller, Carson, Stryker, Mizel, Allen, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Keene, Aiken, Dixon, Dean, Heeg, Bradbury, Clark, Roberts, French, Fuller, Smith, Woods, Whitford, Sweets, Flanders, Wiltse, BAker, Place, Methodist church, fire, Woods, domestic science, Presbyterian. |
008 004 011 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Whitford, Stoudt, Duffy, Herrick, Woods, Carson, Tallman, Wiltberger, Merriman, Mercer, Giles, Lowman, Wiltberger, Roberts, Pritchard, Wallace, Huff, martin, Sarbaugh, Burmester, Baie, Fitzpatrick, Breese, Deming, Sarbaugh, Wilkinson, Woods, Nelson, Greeley, Logeland, Heeg, Wiltse, Irving, Wallace, Andrews, Hipple, Miller, Thompson, Leland hotel, Brown. |
008 004 012 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Baker, Carson, Fox, Burmester, Baker, Dixon, Babcock, Spencer, Price, Bradbury, Whitford, Woods, Sarber, Congdon, Giles, Macklin, Alfred, Houghtby, Greeley, Presbyterian church, accident, Charlesworth, Lindquist, Fraser, McCleery, Methodist, Joslyn, Wallace, Oakley, Greene, Matteson, Potter, Andrews. |
008 004 013 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Granart, Clifford, Biehl, Baie, Woods, Fraser, Hipple, Burmester, Wiltse, Swift, Robert, Fuller, Carson, Kirkpatrick, Woods, Swanson, Methodist church, Tallman, Ilseman, Greeley, Nelson, Lamb, Giles, Carlson, Hanson, Matteson, Wiltgerber, Thompson, Richmond, Hipple, Dean, Randle, Giles, Hibben, Flasman, Macklin, Stryker, Congdon, Griffith, Kennedy, Huff, Carson, Kesner, Brown, Atherton, Swanson, Pogue, Drake, Greeley, DAvis, Potter, Woods, Eagle. |
008 004 014 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - stores close, Griffith, Kauffman, Marion, Beiler, Hardy, Schermerhorn, Wiltse, graham, Greeley, Swift, Dean, Hipple, Thorpe, Nelson, Fuller G.A.R., Wiltberger, Andrews, McIntosh, Watson, Methodist church, Giles. |
008 004 015 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Hayes, Dean. Greeley, Beiler, Wiltse, Woods, Dickes, Gibbons, Giles, Congdon, Lindquist, Fay, Spencer, Schultz, Schultz, school, Herrick, Dean, Drake, Wakefield, Tompkins, Greeley, Wollenweber, Bradbury, Graham, BAker, Henderson, Thorpe, Baker, Keene, DAvis, Taylro, Cooper, Potter, Swift, McFarlane, VanEtten, Whitford, Ott, Harding, Carson, White, Kirkpatrick, marshmallow roast, bonfire, Diehl, Graeser, Methodist church. |
008 004 016 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Methodist church, Mercer, Eakle, Esperson, Ilseman, Eigle, Dean. Schultz, Baie, Diehl, Carson, Fuller, Congdon, Graham, Mixel, Low, Crane, Shipman, Boken, Wilkinson, Greeley, Wiltse, Woods, Babcock, road, railroad, Carson, smallpox, Miller, Cooper, Price, Stryker. |
008 004 017 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Stryker, Wilkinson, Dean. Low, Holderness, Weaver, Wiltse, Garbleman, Herrick, Fuller, Griffith, Matteson, Giles, Toenniges, Potter, Carson, Watson, Brewster, Fay, Davis, Mitchell, Roberts, Mizel, Watson, Lee, Oakley, fire, Boekenhauer, Townsend, Dean, Satterlee, Ames, Marion, French, Whitford, Brown, Minnick, Schultz, Methodist church. |
008 004 018 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - accident, Reynolds, Broughton, Baker, Minnich, Kirkpatrick, Frazier, Nelson, Davis, Wilkinson, Hines, Thompson, Thorpe, Brewster, Baie, Fearon, Dixon, Hipple, Dean, Cole, Schultz, Stryker, Griffith, Carson, Babcock, Woods, Noss, Shatto, Watson, Hardy, Allen, Wilkinson, Boekenhauer, Presbyterian church, Barb City quartette. |
008 004 019 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - electric company, Taylor, Wilkinson, Loagland, Lamb, Keene, Davis, Macklin, Griffith, Merriman, Wiltberger, Congdon, Dean. Hipple, Dean, Ilseman, Eigle, Ferguson, Woods, Fuller, Mercer, Stryker, Carnes,Vice, Kennedy, Swift, Hannond, Graham. |
008 004 020 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wiltse, Thorpe, orange and white trail, railroad, Brown, Roberts, Derrick, Hope club, swift, Davenport, Kauffman, Stryker, Fuller, Merriman, Giles, Schmidt, Lamb. |
008 004 021 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Drake, Atherton, Greene, Roster, Carson, Brown, fire drill, Burmester, Spencer, Hipple, Wiltberger, Whitford, Carson, Hubbard, Roberts, Kirkpatrick, Schultz, Hipple, Lamb, Miller, Thorne, Greeley, Presbyterian church, Whitford, Nelson, Wilkinson, Fearon, Dean. Boken, Fundenberg, Wade, Breeding, Arnold, Haag, Dixon, Allen, Garman, Gunderson, Wollenweber, Davenport, Wade, Gordon, Gibbons, Randle, stryker, Duffy. |
008 004 022 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Thompson, Gibbons, Huff, Methodist church, Brown, Johnson, Dean. Hipple, Miller, fuller, Presbyterian, Dean. Ilseman, Carson, basketball, sports. |
008 004 023 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Henderson, Nelson, Greene, Flickinger, Whitney, Ferguson, Kirkpatrick, Keene, Brainerd, Harding, Carson, Kennedy, Clappsaddle, Fearon, Graham, fire, red cross, Coleman, Schultz, Johnson, Zimmerman, Hipple, Andrews, Fay, Cooper, Bradbury, Breeding, Dean. Low, Bowker, Herrick, Morse, Woods, Tompkins, Whitford, Swanson, Burmester, Drake, Sarbaugh, Ilseman, Bean, Gibbons. |
008 004 024 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Whitford, Kennedy, Greenfield, Mercer, Watson, Tompkins, Frausvelder, Sarbaugh, Drake, Woods, Wilkinson, Woods, Gudnerson, divorce, Hilmar, Harpman, Lamb, Presbyterian church, domestic science, Baie, Simpson, Tompkins, Herrick, Ferguson, Miller, Greene, Carson, Brown, Thorpe, Smiley, Mercer, Hipple, Sheidecker, Martin, Wiltberger, Giles, Price, Gilchrist, Matteson, Baie, Darling, Ilseman, Cuntz, Cunz. |
008 004 025 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Domestic science, Herrick, Hope Club, Davenport, Kilgore, Gunderson, Congregational church, Presbyterian, Rissman, Baie, Howison, Schultz, Greene, Dean. Fay, Swift, Wilkinson, Peterson, Bradbury, Wollenweber, White, Greenfield, Carson, mercer, Charlesworth, Darling, Otjen, Morse, Weber, Hansen, Miller. |
008 004 026 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Hiddelson, Olsen, Pritchard, Deacon, Giles, Whitford, Andrews, Lutz, Roberts, Noss, Hensen, Storey, Wollenweber, Esperson, Cooper, fire, Carson, Woods, Demming, cemetery, Kirkpatrick, Johnson Grove, Methodist church, Carson, Wiltberger, Lamb, BAker, Reingardt, Schultz, Davenport, Martin, Herrick, Mercer, Greenfield, Baie, Duffy, Tompkins, McCougall, Gordon. |
008 004 027 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Mitchel, MacFarlane, VanEtten, Carson, Greene, Graham, Gordon, Hipple, Gilchrist, Methodist church, Mercer, farmers institute, basketball, sports, Kennedy, Presbyterian. |
008 004 028 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Brown, Schultz, Andrews, Sarbaugh, Carson, Swift, Wade, Wollenweber, Schutlz, VanEtten, Furland, Johnson, Graeser, White, Marshall, Cook, Stryker, Fraser, Mercer, Richmond, Dean. Wiltberger, Marion, Noss, Letz, Rumley, Wilkinson, Wakefield, Thorpe,brainerd, Heeg, Norton, Woods, Hipple, Lewis, Breeding, Phillips, Dean. Papenberg, Culp, Matteson, Tompkins, Knudtson, Price, railroad, milk train. Roberts, Watson. |
008 004 029 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - sports, basketball, Liddick, Herrick, Woods, Haag, Hipple, Tompkins, Legner, Schibble, Tallman, Griffith, Roberts, Carson, Presbyterian church, Conlon, Stryker, Holland, Duffy, Platt, Schutlz, Boekenhauer, Gilchrist, Dean. Wollenweber, Powers, Brown, Sampson, Hordan, Roberts, Broughton, Garner, Masonic lodge, Schultz, Watson, Morgan, Specht, Graeser, Holliday, Babcock, Drake. |
008 004 030 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Woods, Lewis, Breeding, Whitford, Dean. Potter, Grant, Stryker, Fuller, Fundenberger, Olmstead, Granart, Mizel, Wilkinson, Lamb, Tompkins, Scott, Thompson, Wollenweber, Howison, Baie, Gardner, Liddick, Hardy, Tallman, Carson, Graham, Gordon, McAllister, Wilson, Darling, Grant. |
008 004 031 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Taylor, Potter, Grant, Fay, farmer's institute, Methodist church, Schultz, Miller, Creamery, Baie, Gilchrist, Gibons, Greene, Stryker, Baker, Randles, Andrews, Mizel, Wollenweber, Giles, Graeser, Roberts, Lamb, Keene, Macklin, Hayes, McAllister, Charlesworth, Lwifheit, domestic science club, Spencer, Swift, Hipple, Darling. |
008 004 032 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Minnich, Wiltse, Wollenweber, Fuller, Wilson, Johnson, Martin, Fuller, Davis, Knudtson, Love, Keene, Swift, Greeley, Carlton, Stryker, Andrews, White, Noss, Wilkinson, Methodist church. |
008 004 033 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Draher, Schultz, Mercer, Potter, Heeg, Hipple, Grant, Graham, Oakley, Mateson, Roberts, Henderson, Woods, Wollenweber, Greeley, Allen, Johnson, Drake, Martin, Lynch, Miller, Norton, Wiltse, Draher, Wharton, Hand, Fearon, Low, Hibben, Cruzen, McConnaughey, Lamb, Kauffman, Schmidt, Pratt, Roberts, Bowker, Jordan, Kopfer, Liddick, Ames, Norton, Taylor, Wilkinson, Houghtby, Suddeth, Kenedy, Greenfield, Holbo, Macklin, Fuller, Garner, Roberts, McIntosh. |
008 004 034 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Dean, Randles, McAlister, Hipple, Grant, Greeley, McClearson, McCleery, domestic science, Wiltse, Babcock. |
008 004 035 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Greeley, Methodist church, domestic science, Baie, storm, Wollenweber, Challand, tuberculosis, nurse, McAllister, Roberts, Ferguson, Whitford, Woods,Bennett, Tompkins, Marrion, Schultz, Brainerd, Andrews, Marreson, Wilson, Richmond, Roberts, Duffy, Noss, Fearon, Gordon, Babcock. |
008 004 036 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fuller, Roberts, methodist church, White. |
008 004 037 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Roberts, Potter, Prichard, Whitfod, Kirkpatirck, Dean. Thorn, Miller, Wiltberger, Hipple, Eigle, Mercer, Heeg, Ilseman, Gibbens, Gunderson, Fay, Benentt, Swift, Schultz, Greene, Davis, Taggart, Schmidt, Dean. Watson, Hipple, Woods, Low, Logland, Rumley, Clifford. |
008 004 038 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Haryd, Roberts, Heeg, Wiltse, Tompkins, Baie, Kirkpatrick, Whitford, Potter, Matteson, Hipple, Harpman, Henderson, Gordon, Minnick, Whitney, Babcock, Carlson, Schultz, Charlesworth, Price, Baker, Greeley, Greenfield, Kennedy, Allen, Raid, Whitford, Meyers, GRant, Taylor, Erb, Harvey, Whtie, Wilkinson, Potter, Swift, McFarlane, Swanson, Wollenweber, Mercer, Carson. |
008 004 039 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carson, electric lights,Ritter, Fundenberger, Hansen, Drake, Davenport, Gransen, Wiltberger, harpman, Miller, Hipple, Thompson, Graeser, McCleery, Powers, Fuller, Dobbin, Potter, harding, Woods, Greene, Draher, Schmidt, Johnson, Boken, Welsh, Kirkpatrick, Merriman, Berkes, Mercer, McDougall, Giles, Grady, Tweeden, Lynch, Whitford, Heeg, Fuller, Herrick, Marion, Greeley, Carson, Hansen, Woods, Watson, Rowley, Coquelin, road, Hipple. |
008 004 040 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Hipple, road, Wilkinson, Keene, Harmony Club, Kilgore, Spechdt, Schultz, Logeland, Mizel, Blair, Fay, Giles, Platt, Egland, Strauss, Woods, Wiltberger, Minnick, Methodist church, Swift, Sullivan. |
008 004 041 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Challand, Clifford, domestic science, Matteson, Wiltse, Benett, Matteson, Strouss, Wiltberger, Morgan, Dixon, Harpman, basketball, sports. |
008 004 042 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Huff, Matteson, King, Fay, Draher, Schultz, Runley, Olmstead, Kirkpatrick, Egland, Roberts, Boken, Schutlz, Ott, Ainckley, Hanson, Ferkins, Houghtby, Fearon, Brainerd, Wade, Hope Club, Swift, Evans, Harpman, Macklin, Gibbon, Griffith, Breeding, Randles, Gilchrist, Wood, Harpman, Thorpe, measles, Kilgore, Moore, Methodist church, Monroe, Baker, Dixon, Merriman, Gils, Paxton, Whitford, Wollenweber, Challand. |
008 004 043 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Brooks, Wilkinson, town meeting, Minnick, Harvey, Fearon, Beck, Logeland, Harmony club, Runley, Baldry, Wollenweber, Greene, Kennedy, Johnson, Swift, Schmidt, Minnich, Carson, Miller, Babcock, Walker, Miller, matteson, Roberts, Ames, Baie, Heeg, Breeding, Charlesworth, Woods. |
008 004 044 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Miller, Giles, Andrews, Merriman, Herrick, Storey, Mullin, Heeg, Jacobson, Schnibbe, Carson, Harpman, chess game, sports, Wakefield, Herrick, Harpman, Olmstead, Kennedy, Woods, Bohe, Merriman, Dean. Fuller, Baie, Hunt, Greeley, Wakfeidl, Bowker, Mercer, Smith, Minnick, Schultz, Marion, Hansen, Schmidt, Peterson, runley, Carson, Schultz, Andrews, harvey, Liddick, Sarbaugh, Eckles, Minich, Brown, Kirkpatrick. |
008 004 045 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Swanson, Carson, Giles, Miller, Greeley, Wiltse, Tompkins, Schultz, Hardy, Duffy, Davis, Clapsaddle, Woods, domestic science, Darling, Keene, Breeding, Storey, Wollenweber, election, Giles, Methodist church, Carson, Wykle, Hall, Alford. |
008 004 046 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - McCaskey, Graham, Presbyterian church, Baker, Ritter, gilchrist, play, Baxter, Brotherhood, Bieler. |
008 004 047 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Beiler, Smith, Schultz, Robinson, Boken, Kirkpatrick, Liseman, Dean. Giles, Houghtby, Cooper, Schultz, Gilchrist, Kunz, Cunz, Baie, Methodist church, Greele, Roberts, Richmond, Graham, Marion, Wykle, Graves, Wallace, Thompson, Hipple, Nelson, Gordon, Wilkinson, Hipple, Reynolds, Adrian, electric lights, Mercer, Harpman, Carr, Herriman, Brainard, Tompkins, Welch, Platt, Schultz, Johnson. |
008 004 048 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Greley, Fuller, Abrams, Nelson, Wiltse, Tompkins, Stryker, Dixon, Presbyterian church, Hipple, Carson, Richmond, Spencer, Loagland, Eakles, Kauffman, Giles, Scheidecker, Rowley, Greene, Watson, Carson, Price, Wiltberger, Eckles, Deming, Johnson, Griffith, Carson, Woods, Kettle, Pritchard Graves. Herrick. |
008 004 049 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fay, Meiler, Noss, Baldry, Watson, Swift, Baie, Darling, Schutlz, Becher, Sheidecker, Johnson, Bark, Wakefield, Giles, Weddige, Reynold, Storey, town hall, Hordan, Bowker, Burmester, Holliday, Dean. McAllister, Ilseman, Waldee, Thorpe, Kenendy, Price, Wollenweber, STryker, Nelson, Evans, Robinson, Macklin, Runley, Greley, Carson, Fuller, Ashworth, Minnich, Wollenweber, Challand, Kennedy, Boardman. |
008 004 050 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Whitford, Eakle, Deming, Derick, Hutcheson, Herrick, Presbyterian church, play, Mizel, Dixon, Darling, Swift, Gibbons, dean. Hipple, McAllister, Price, Tompkins, ordinance, Wiltberger, Macklin, Greeley, accident. |
008 004 051 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Andrews, Robinson, Stross, Dansrow, Spencer, Pritchard, Hardy, Weilert, Evans, Randles, Davis, Nelson, Lamb, Herrick, Whitford, VanDusen, electric lights, Taylor, Graves, Baie, Kennedy, Swanson, Brown, Hunt, Bradbury, Congdon, Methodist church, Roberts, Watson, Wilkinson, Crane, Spechdt. |
008 004 052 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Spechdt, Methodist church, Graves, Watson, Gustafson, Swift, MacFarlane, Wakefield, Low, Sawyer, Joslyn, Wollenweber, Challand, play, Watson, Spencer, Boeden, Hipple, Lamb, Nelson, Carson, Schmidt, Cross, Andrews, Low, Pritchard. |
008 004 053 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Sterns, Greene, Herrick, Foss, Greeley, Woods, Kennedy, Kirkpatrick, Macklin, Mercer, Congdon, Husk, Gilchrist, Badka, Olmstead, Carson, Hipple, Graeser, Brown, Ross Grove, Hall, Thompson, White Anderson, Liddick, Knauss, Green, Red cross, Wollenweber, Wykle, Wilkinson, Whitford, JOhnson Grove cemetery, North Clinton, band, Randles. |
008 004 054 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Methodist church, Randles, electric lights, Johnson, Presbyterian, Herrick. |
008 004 055 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wiltse, Congdon, Low, Harnish, Wilkinson, Challand, Wollenweber, Dean. Brown, Kesner, Carson, Potter, Woods, Schultz, Henderson, Randles, Ot, chautauqua Roberts, Brainerd, Hadry, McDougal, Minnich, Merriman, Sawyer, Hoover, Dean. Watson, Duffy, Abrams, Ilseman, Griffith, Wakefield, Kennedy, old settler, Leifheit, Reingardt, Hipple, Potter, GReeley, Mizel, Darling, Swift, Gibbons, Huff, Stryker, Baker, Rowley. |
008 004 056 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Davis, Wiltse, Whitford, Furland, Baie, McNabb, Stryker, Swift, Wiltberger, Presbyterian church, Ferguson, Hipple, Fay. Giles, red cross, Johnson, Reingardt, chautuqua. |
008 004 057 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Woods, Wells, Graeser, Mateson. Loagland, Grant, Giles, Hamilton, Atherton, Deming, Davis, Greene, Nelson, Zellar, Richmond, Noss, Kirk, Tallman, McFarlane, Mercer, Dean, Stryker, accident, Dean, Swift, Darling, Mizel, Gibbens, Lamb, Presbyterian church. |
008 004 058 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carson, Fay, MacFarlane, Brown, Baxter, Olmstead, Tompkins, Rowley, Marion, Kirkpatrick, Schultz, Potter, Johnson, Harding, Fuller, Nelson, Woods, Dean, Low, Swift, Nelson, Congdon, Schutlz, Kirk, Whitford, Robinson. |
008 004 059 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Baker, Red cross, Presbyterian church, Welch, Boken, Schultz, Hill, Pyle, Fearon, Wyke, Baie, Schmidt, McFarlane, Wallace, Macklin, Miller, Wiltberger, Fuller, Keene, Davis, Harnish, Andrews, Danesreau, Strouss. |
008 004 060 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Duffy, Whitford, Woods, Gudnerson, red cross, railroad park, Kauffman, Gilchrist, Cliffe, Wiltberger, Eckles, electric lights, Smiley, Wakefield, Grawser, Herrick, Drake, Schnibbe, Graham, Spencer, dean. Heeg, , Ames, Baxter, Macklin, Wallace, Pogue, Fuller, Abrams, chautauqua. |
008 004 061 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Hutcheson, Herrick, Dean. Wiltse, Schultz, Hanson, Phil, Goodmanson, Macklin, Brown, Baker, Watson, Roberts, Miller, chautauqua, Fulton, Wollenweber, Wakefield, Swift, Keene, Spencer, Merriman, Young, Duffy, BRainerd, McMillen, Baldry, Hobson, Woods, Graham, Star, Carson. |
008 004 062 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - chautauqua, McCleery, Israel, Baie, Johnson, Whitford Platt, Schultz, Bradbury, Henderson, Wollenweber, Jones, Heeg, Macklin, Cook, Stryker, Hamilton, Storey, Wykle, Cooley, Dean. Greene, McMillen. |
008 004 063 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - tax assessment, personal property, sWift, Platt, Wilkinson, Kilgore, Watson, matteson, Logeland, Goss, Merriman, Griffith, Whitford, Kettler, Schultz, Graham, Draher, Schultz, Lamb, Kirkpatrick, Wollenweber, Wiltse, Miller, Liddick, McAllister, Mighell, Drake, Eckles. |
008 004 064 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - tax assessment, personal property, Methodist church, Woods, telephone company, Tallmand, Graham, Stryker, Kopp, Guller, road, Herrick, Duffy, Wharton, Stryker. |
008 004 065 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - draft Wykle, Gilchrist, Lane, Weilert, Wade, Charlesworth, Swift, Aderer, Roberts, Blertz, Dinger, Weilert, Henderson, Dolder, Kopfer, Turnbloom, Hipple, Rolf, Israel, Heyer, Babcock, Strauss, Pfister, Johnson, Eckles, Redmond, Green, Duffy, Horsch, Tuntland, Anderson, Carnes, Schultz, Christman, Chapman, Baie, Anspach, Blankenship. Chestnut, Smiley, Neal, Leifheit, Knudson, Wood, Mizel, William, Akerlund, Ilseman, Riley, Kitner, Carlson, Hibben, Swanson, Liddick, Beck, Kirkpatrick, red cross, library, Morton, Brown, Walker, presbyterian church, Noss, Hall, Sompson, Heeg, Strauss, Handon, cArson, Swift, BRainard, Waldee, Greeley, McCleery. |
008 004 066 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kirkpatrick, Telford, Quick, Griffith, Connell, Woods, Kingsley, Wiltberger, Stryker, Nelson, Cox, Maxwell, Wallace, Richmond, Whitford, Andrews, Carosn, Spencer, McCormack, McDougall, Allen, Connel, Cooper, Potter, Thompson, Prichard, Coo, Wilkinson, Whtiford, Dean. Kirkpatrick, Herrick, Leifheit, Greenfield. |
008 004 067 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Andres, Stryker, Wollenweber, Hopkins, Fuller, Harnish, Wiltberger, Woods, Potter, Hunt, Bennett, carnes, Wiltse, Thorne, Marlow, Kennedy, Wakefield, red cross, library, Harnish, Fearon, Platt, Schultz, Runley, Wollenweber, Eigle, Mennis, Jacobs, Windsor, McDougal, Baldry, Griffith. |
008 004 068 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Harvey, Keene, red cross, Holcomb, Woods, Kingsley, Gilchrist, Schultz, Fuller, Wiltberger, Hipple, Herrick, Miller, Fay, Carson, Greeley, Dean, Swift, Baker, Sarbaugh, Anderson, Woods, Kirkpatrick, Fearon, Methodist church, Townsend. |
008 004 069 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Cross, Rowley, Wilkinson, Tarr, band, Wiltberger, Smiley, Eckles, Knause, Swanson, Mighell, Kopp, Bennet, Cummings, Connell, Fuller, Swift, Wallace, Allen, Wylke, Bailey, Graham, MacFarlane, Dean, McMillen, Heeg, Kilgore, Smiley, Carnes, Stone, Jefferson, Hamilton, Schultz, Potter, Gilchrist, Kennedy, Price, McAllister, Randles, VanEtten, Giles, Roberts, Swift, Potter, Graham, Fuller, Brown, Schnibbe, Richmond, Esperson, Rowley, DAvis, Connel, Watson, Congdon, North, Houghtby, Woods, Smith, Stanley. |
008 004 070 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wakefield, Nelson, Low, Andrews, Fearon, Boekenhauer, Wiltberger, Taylor, McMillen, Schultz, Martin, Hansen, Dean. Merriman, Lamb, Charlesworth, Post, Tompkins, Dean. Mercer, Hope club, Presbyterian church, Potter, Mercer, Woods, Kilgore, phelps, Wiltse, Herrick, Swift, Tallman, Mercer, Keene, Griffith, Darling. |
008 004 071 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - red cross, school new building, Schultz, Heeg, Price, Randles, Kennedy, Brainerd, Loagland, parks, Tompkins, Carson, Wiltse, Richmond, Taylor, hope club, band, Davis, Boekenhauer, Woods, Wallace, Thompson, Graham, Runley, Babcock, Fay, Greeley, Mitchel, Harpman, Eckles, Fay, Methodist church, Presbyterian. |
008 004 072 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Boken, welsh, Whitford, Gibbons, Wollenweber, Mighell Wykle, Nelson, Lamb, Baie, Huff, Kitner, Brainerd, Kirkpatrick, Wiltse, Turnbloom, Swift, Eigle, Post, Carson, Lamb, Congdon, Giles, Atherton, Hall, Woods, Johnson, Furland, Allen, Hipple, WAkefield, Robinson, Davis, Keene, Schultz, Merriman, McDougall, Dean. Greene, Phillips. |
008 004 073 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Nelson, Merriman, Koontz, Sterns, Tompkins, Mizel, Conlon, Connell, Huff, Carson, Herrick, Woods, Roberts, Foster, Greeley, Kilgore, Woods, Hamilton, Fearon, Baldry, Grant, Robinson, Cross, Woods, Kirkpatrick, Derrick, Wallace, Babcock, Lamb, Woods, Garner, Wallace, Noss, Howison, Saterlee, Reynolds, Dean. Egland, Beiler, Swift, Tompkins, Eigle, Brainer, Carson. |
008 004 074 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Harvey, Baker, Reingardt, Davis, McMillen, Kirkpatrick, Macklin, Henderson, red cross, Wilkinson, Harvey, Hardy, Breeding, Greeley, Kauffman, Wollenweber, Brainerd, Nelson, Sampson, Davenport, Duffy, Roberts, Ilseman, Baie, Naughtson, Brewster, Greene, Bridge, accident, Presbyterian church, Johnson, Runley, Saterlee, camp grant, Woods, Heeg, Mathewson, Garner, Giles, Brown, Weilert, Gunderson, Oakley, Kendall. |
008 004 075 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Martin, Marshall, Schultz, Macklin, Dean. Railroad, Esperson, Stryker, Nelson, Morse, Woods, Baie, Baker, Richmond, Graham, Davis, women register to vote, Hipple, Herrick, McAllister, Greene, Babcock, Swift, Giles, Jones, masonic lodge, Baie, Stryker, Heeg, Davis, Kilgore, George, Giels, red cross, Methodist church. |
008 004 076 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Heeg, Roberts, Gilchrist, Huff, Minnich, Alford, Johnson, Fuller, Richmond, Morrison, Meiler, Greeley, Wilkinson, Giles, Hipple, basektball, sports, Andrews, Fearon, camp grant, Carson, Price, Potter, Mercer, Simpson, Brown, Kutzner, Stryker, Wiltberger, Ames, Wollenweber, Potter, Richmond, Dean. Davenport, Martin, Jacobson. |
008 004 077 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - liberty bond, road, Giles, Tompkins, Roberts, Fuller, Congdon, Kirkpatrick, Fox, welch, Herrick, Thompson, Wollenweber, Hipple, greenfield, Kenney, Davis, Schmidt, Huff, Wilkinson, Woods, Mercer, Graham, Pratt. Roberts, Nelson, Alford, Carson, Noss, Spencer, Pratt, Whitford, Boekenhauer, Johnson, Wade, Rowley, Gibbons, Brown, Wallace. |
008 004 078 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Nelson, Schultz, Whitford, Giles, Davis, Andrews, Deming, Thompson, Wiltberger, Rowley, Macklin, red cross, register, Miller, Schutlz, Carson, Spencer, Howison, Presbyterian church, Hopkins, Grant, Stryker, Mitchell, Herrick, Giles, Boardman, Carnes, Schultz, Wiltse, Allen, Cooper, Potter Davis, Gordon. |
008 004 079 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kirkpatrick, Watson, Griffith, Jacobs, Ferguson, Gordon, Red cross, Wilkinson, Whitford, Wykle, Gilchrist, Dixon, Nelson, Presbyterian church, Low, play. |
008 004 080 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Thompson, Baie, Granart, Harris, Carson, Hamilton, Nelson, Kennedy, Huff, Low, Dean. Ferguson, Storey, Esperson, Griffith, McMillan, Schultz, Davis, Herrick, Cross, Rowley, Martin, MacFarlane, Stryker, Duffy, railroad, Fay, Dean. Swift, Woods, Mercer, Matteson, Swift, Mitchell, hope club, high school notes. |
008 004 081 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Methodist church, Ashworth, red cross, harmony club. |
008 004 082 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kalges, Heger, Miller, Kennedy, Stryker, Minnich, Maxwell, Spencer, Moore, Carnes, Stone, Wollenweber, Carson, Heeg, Hipple, Gilchrist, Beiler, Eckles, basketball, sports, Kirkpatrick, Mercer, railroad, Fearon, Herrick, Potter, Allen, Presbyterian church. |
008 004 083 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - liberty bond, Wiltberger, Low, Presbyterian church, Methodist, Brown, Hamilton, Henderson, Thompson, Watson, Woods, Kauffman, Hunt, Glanders, Dean. Lamb, Nelson, McMillen, Davis, Lamb, Robinson, Greene, Johnson, Low, Greeley. |
008 004 084 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Huff, Kopp, Huey, Heyer, Beck, Greeley, Tompkins, McFArlane, Henderson, Wilson, Bark, Wollenweber, Andrews, Dean. Giles, Hipple, Harvey, Woods, Adams, Carson, Wiltberger, Hipple, Cox, Nelson, red cross, Gibbons, Swift, sTryker, Eakle, Methodist church. |
008 004 085 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, road, Lattin, domestic science, Davis. |
008 004 086 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Spencer, Kilgore, Kennedy, Wielert, Brown, Roberts, Swift, Johnson, Carson, Allen, Noss, Kopp, Whitman, Wilkinson, Graham, Furland, Stryker, Carson, Gundenberg, Smith, Wollenweber, Abrams, Sarbaugh, Andrews, Beihl, Darling, Potter, Mercer, Black,an, Carnes, swift, basketball, sports, Methodist church. |
008 004 087 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kennedy, Presybterian church, Brown, Macklin, Henderson, Challand, Beck, Boyer, Wollenweber, Rowley, George, camp grant, Wilkinson, Dixson, Swift, Meyers, Matteson, Babcock, Whitford, Hipple, Dean. Giles, Wilkinson, CArlson. |
008 004 088 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Keene, Presbyterian church, red cross, liberty bonds, Welsh, Whorton, Lutz, Huey, Greene, Chapman, Stryker, Smith, Carnes, Gibbons, Challand, Carson, Minard, Brainerd, Davis, Sawyer, VanDusen, Smith, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Eakle, DAvis, Taylor. |
008 004 089 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kilgore, Wollenweber, Arnold, Stryker, Andrews, Leihfeit, Mercer, Duffy, Kopp, Johnson, Bark, Schultz, Swift, Taylor, Huey, Spechdt, Scott, Thompson, Carson, Rowley, Woods, Minnick, Firkins, Herrick, Day, Brown, Roberts, Pratt, Wilkinson, Breeding, McCutcheon, Matteson, Wiltberger, Lamb, Price, Beck, Hipple, Presbyterian church, Methodist. |
008 004 090 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Swanson, red cross, Woods, Babcock, Carson, Knudtson, Hart, red cross, Wilkinson, Fellows, Potter, Mercer. |
008 004 091 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Swift, Backman, Hope club, Carson, farmers institute, Carson, Wann, Methodist church, Davis, Robinson, Minnich, Herrick, Kopp, Woods, Mercer, Miller, Tompkins, Swift. |
008 004 092 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kirkpatrick, Simpson, Carson, Schermerhorn, Richmond, Graham, Mercer, Whitford, Fearon, Fay, Davis, Kauffman, Kennedy, VanDusen, Andrews, Hamilton, Thompson, Woods, Alford, Hipple, Brown, Congdon, Taylor, Fay, Miller, Baie, Jacobson, Holbo, Matteson, Charlesworth, Roberts, Baker, Dean. Lamb, Baie, Leihfeit, Kennedy, Hipple. |
008 004 093 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Murphy, war quota, service, Welsh, Eckle, Herrick, Whitford, Simpson, Whorton, Liddick, Green, Knauss, Lutz, Millar, Lewis, Robinson, Ilseman, Chestnut, Graham, Huey, Chapman, Roberts, Lane, Taylor, VanDusen, Babcock, harmony club, Fay, Grant, Hart, Knudtson, Blackman, Swift, Woods, Mercer, Potter. |
008 004 094 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Andrews, Whitford, Gilchirst, Whitford, Lamb, Matteson, Brewster, Hipple, Eigle, Kesner, Olmstead, Grant, Howison, Henderson, Bark, Babcock, VanDusen, Kauffman, Kennedy, Hardy, Charlesworth, Thompson, Giles, McCutcheon, Nelson, Lamb, Greenwood, Weber, Leifheit, Gibbons, Presbyterian church, Gudnerson, Ames. |
008 004 095 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - red cross, Griffith, Riley, Babcock, Pratt, Greenfield, Kennedy, Low, Grawser, Wertz, Storey, Johnson, Drake, Wetzel, Kennedy, hotel, Johnson, Giles, Andrews, Harvey, Dean. McAllister, harmony club, Keene, red cross. |
008 004 096 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Behrens, Andrews, Rolfe, Harpman, Heeg, Duffy, Hardy, Lamb, Mercer, Watson, Richmond, Murray, Carson, Ilseman, Harvey, Esperson, Kirkpatrick, Hibben, Wallace, Giles, Stryker, Mizel, Greenfield, Frost, fearon, Hunt, Duffy, Carson, Welton, DAvis, Hipple, Olmstead, Swift, Marion, Greeley, Huey, Chestnut, McDougal, old settler, Graham,. |
008 004 097 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carson, arrest, Greene, Whitford, Keene, Riley, Andrews, Hunt, Gilchrist. |
008 004 098 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fearon, Duffy, Huff, Clifford, Wielert, Fuller, McGirr, Larson, Fundenberger, McCutcheon, Andrews, Thompson, mail train, railroad, Macklin, Giles, Brown, Dean. Alfred, Rissman, Miller, Carson, Whitford, Mercer, Schultz, Esperson, Schultz, Cunz, Hipple, Hunt, Woods, Papenburg, Miller, Presbyterian church, platt, Schmidt, Babcock. |
008 004 099 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Keene, Spencer, Giles, Koontz, Ames, Liddick, Welsh, Methodist church, Presbyterian, Wykle. |
008 004 100 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wollenweber, Hardy, McDougal, Rowley, Eigle, Herrick, Howison, Husk, Wiltse, Webb, Miller, Kuester, Kirkpatrick, Schultz, Swanson, Kahle, Hamilton, Schmidt, Lamb, Greley, Dean, Blankenship, Baie, Brown, Woods, Andrews, Tallman, Challand, Swift, Sawyer, Logeland, GEorge, Hardy, Kenedy, Nelson, Wilkenson, Swift, White, Gilchrist, Hipple, Tompkins, Spencer, McAllister, Keene. |
008 004 101 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Walker, Roberts, Stern, Kauffman, Kopp, Connell, Wakefield, Taylor, red cross, Woods, Presbyterian church. |
008 004 102 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - McCutcheon, Wallace, Andrws, Minnich, Macklin, Johnson, Stryker, Roberts, Gundenberger, Pritchard, Wollenweber, Swift, Rolfe, Ferguson, Maxwell, Bristol, Mizel, George, Granart, Reingardt, Carson, Keene, Thompson, Hipple, Hardy, Baldry, Mason, Garbleman, Welton, Flanders, Weber, Whitford, Allen, Mercer, Blackman, Kopfer, Challand, Kilgore, Lane, Schulz, Gilchrist, Greise, sAwyer, Furgeson, Keene, Giles, DAvis, Miller, VanDusen, Nelson, Temma, Kirkpatrick. |
008 004 103 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Matteson, Davis, Giles, Taylor, Clapsaddle, Jones, Wells, Esperson, Specht, Wollenweber, Wakefield, Crane, Flanders, Crane, Dean. Ames, Methodist church, Whitford, Denton, Dunlap, Miller, Keene, red cross, Allen, Colton. |
008 004 104 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Tuntland, Wiltberger, Kennedy, Duffy, Whitford, Brown, Babcock, Tompkins, Hamilton, Esperson, York, Pratt, Roberts, Baker, Logeland, Greenfield, Henderson, Dixon, Beiler, Wilkinson, Stryker, Miller, Johnson, Lamb, Fay. |
008 004 105 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Griffith, Hardy, Mizel, Marlow, Andrews, Greene, Reid, Keene, Dean. Whitford, Price, Bohe, Huff, Schultz, Grawser, Kennery, Allen, Wakefield, Woods, Specht, Lamb, Huff, Greeley, Wollenweber, Challand, Methodist church, Peck, Wykle, Whitford. |
008 004 106 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Whitford, Kopp, Herrick, Ames, drake,Eckle, Stryker, Wakefield, Schultz, red cross, election, Congdon, Kirkpatrick, Heeg, Greeley, Tilford, Hedges, Lamb, Duffy. |
008 004 107 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Brainerd, Webb, Miller, Carson, Harvey, Sawyer, Whitford, Kirkpatrick, Mizel, Keene, Darling, Boekenhauer, Hipple, Wollenweber, Woods, Kingsley, Keene, Reynold, Methodist church, Davis, Hamilton, Babcock, Wakefield, Ferguson, Giles, Heeg, Schultz, Johnson, Kennedy, Olmstead, Harpman, Kopp, Herrick, Drake, Baldry, Gordon, Ranles, Henderson, Schnibbe, Thompson, Charlesworth, Baie, Brewster, Wallace, Reynolds, Eckle, Carson, Wilkinson. |
008 004 108 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wilson, Macklin, Logeland, Graham, Roberts, Pratt, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Wiltse, Stott, McDougall, Grawser, Mercer, Stryker, red cross, Walker, Carnes, Starry, Schultz, Simpson, Hipple, Giles, Olmstead, Woods, Carson, Ray, Wilkinson, Jacobson, Schultz, Papenberg, Babcock, Hamilton, Greeley, Esperson, Wollenweber, Thompson, Spencer, brainerd, Bowker, Challand, Greene. |
008 004 109 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Swift, Colton, Houghtby, Brown, Lomedieu, Methodist church, Giles, Heeg, Low, Lamb, Fay, Grawser, Chapman, Robinson, Lane, Noss, Price, Nelson, Huff, Henderson, Kennedy, Bradbury, Brewster, Wallace, Hardy, Woods, Matteson, Richmond, Keene, Roberts, Kirkpatrick, Graham, Wiltberger, wheat, Thompson, Giles, Kennedy. |
008 004 110 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wiltse, Herrick, Stryker, Dean. Thompson, Kopp, Huey, Carnes, Johnson, Gordon, Low, Methodist church, Davis, Robinson, Kauffman, Kirkpatrick, Potter, Mercer, Wilkinson, Potter. |
008 004 111 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Cliffe, play, liberty bonds, Roberts, Rowley, Hipple, Woods, Charlesworth, Esperson, Nelson, Pogue, Hunt, Richmond, Schnibbe, Schultz, Olmstead, Ames, Tompkins, Schmidt, brainerd, Keene, Hipple, Bradbury, Wallace, Hibben, Charlesworth, Greene, Esperson, Davis, Deming, Gordon, Kauffman, Whitford, Wilkinson, Swift, Marion, Mizel, Miller, Carson, Mitchell. |
008 004 112 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Babcock, Stryker, play, Giles, Brown, domestic science, Hall, Keene, Kennedy, Roberts, Lamb, Wilkenson, Wakefield, Hopkins, Wiltberger, Hamilton, Graham, Andrews. |
008 004 113 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Keene, Woods, Minnick, Fuller, Bark, Dean. Fearon, Fay, Morrison, Keene, Kirkpatrick, Graham, Noss, Whitford, Price, Miller, Eckles, Greeley, Prsbyterian church, Methodist, McClusky. |
008 004 114 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Olmstead, Keene, Drake, Davis, Thompson, Macklin, Giles, Fuller, Whooping caugh, Roberts, Mercer, Bradbury, Greene, Carnes, Wilkinson, Mercer, Stryker, Hall, Wollenweber, Challand, Swift, band, Hipple, Olmstead, Kirkpatrick, Heeg, Schnibbe, Graeser. |
008 004 115 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Normandin, Welsh, Simpson, Whorton, Lutz, Mizel, Roberts, Aderer, Taylor, Simpson, Carnes, Simpson, Gren. Ilseman, Garner, Smiley, Merriman, Knauss, Kopfer, Bender, Anderson, Methodist church, Bradbury, Huff, Gilchrist, Bowker, Whitman, Welsh, Heeg. |
008 004 116 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wiltberger, Carnes, Davis, Carson, Kirkpatrick, Merriman, Maxwell, Hardy, Roberts, Richmond, Fuller, Beiler, Wykle, Whitford,Challand, McDougal, Marion, Giles, Dean. McAllister, Chestnut, Ambler, George, Larson, Hipple, Methodist church, Fuller, Woods, Kennedy, Darling, Ritter, Graeser, Dean. Tompkins, Fox. |
008 004 117 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Methodist church, red cross, Whitford, road, Dean, Alen, Miller, Fraser, Johnson, Holbo, Greene, Raylor, Mercer, Leifheit, Kopfer, Mizel, Keene, Heeg, Henderson, Matteson, Fuller, Kirkpatrick, Wilkinson, Martin, Davis, Price, Johnson, Lamb, Mercer, STryker, Conlin, Huff, Bowker, CArnes, Greeley, Schmidt, McCutcheon, Dean. Wollenweber, Woods, Wiltse, Herrick, Kennedy, Giles., Low, Johnson, Baie, Carlson, Challand. |
008 004 118 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Broughton, McGirr, Price, Bennet, Sykle, Darling, Noss, Brown, Christman, Kennedy, Curtis, Bradbury, Roberts, Presbyterian church, Congdon, Kalges, Woods, Methodist church, Kirk, Nelson, red cross, Greene, Andrews, Giles, Kennedy, Carson, Granart, Baie, Prichard's grove, Eleby, York, Whitford, lamb, Gilchrist, Herrick, Carson, Eigle, Gibbons, Wallace, Babcock, Raylor, Henderson, Dean. |
008 004 119 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wilkinson, Ames, Kirkpatrick, Hutchison, Geeh, Price, Nelson, Kennedy, Normandin, Richmond, Gilchrist, Roberts, Makclin, Johnson Grove cemeter, North Clinton, Manning, Huff, Maltbie, Delano, Sawyer, Pearl, Westbrook, Warren, Olmstead, Graeser, Esperson, Duffy, Wilkinson, Alford, Rowley, Baldry, Miller, McCleery, Matteson, epidemic, whooping cough, Babcock, Beiler, Foster, Logeland, Baie, savings, stamps, war bonds, liberty bonds, Woods, Giels, Gunderson, Israel, Lancaster, Whitney, Babcock, Stryker, Greeley. |
008 004 120 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carson, Miller, Woods, Wollenweber, Low, VanDusen, Randles, Brown, Dean. Tompkins, Gilchrist, Hipple, McAllister, Fuller, Ranles, Dixon, Play, hope club, Nelson, Presbyterian church, Evans, Grimm, Nehring, Bastian, Valentine, Heinemeier, Temma, Carpenter, Williams, Babcock, Knutson, Anderson, Eakles, Lamb, Marion, Schnibbe. |
008 004 121 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wilkinson, Beck, Thompson, Kirkpatrick, Lamb, Heeg, Watson, Kitner, Schultz, Roberts, Andrews, Hicks, Schmidt, Fay, Minnick, Schmidt, Whitford, Baie, Hardy, Wilkinson, Wakefield, Woods, Normandin, Congdon, Herrick, McAllister, Babcock, red cross, Rowley, Blackman, Whitford., Babcock, Eckle, Knudtson, Anderson. |
008 004 122 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Whitford, festival, Giles, Hipple, Mercer, Schoener, Grant, Greene, play, stamp drive, hardy, Herrick. |
008 004 123 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wilkinson, Price, Marion, Watson, Oleson, Miller, Granart, Burket, Griffith, Keene, Baie, Challand, Wollenweber, Charlesworth, Miller, Wolfe, Roberts, Wakefield, Babcock, Brainerd, Esperson, Hipple, Wallace, Broughton, Pritchard, Ritter, Mercer, Keene, Logeland, band, Breeding, Kennedy, Davis, Fuller, eclipse of the sun, Andrews, McFarlane. |
008 004 124 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Thompson, Nelson, Kingsley, Spencer, Woods, Gilchirst, Miller, Eckle, Brewster, Schultz, Lamb, Roberts, Schultz, Howison, Leifheit, Mercer, Kirkpatrick, Mason, Schultz, Baie, Ferguson, camp grant, Weilert, Giles, Congdon, Price, McAllister, Whitford, Hipple, Frost, Graham, domestic science. |
008 004 125 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Eckle, Presbyterian church, Merrett, Johnson Grove cemetery, Darling, Stryker, Baie, Babcock, Woods, Fuller, Graeser, Fearon, Wilkinson, Mercer, Wollenweber, Follett chautauqua, Johnson, Richmond, Schmidt, Runley, Wells, Matteson, Ray, Mercer, stryker, Swift, Ames, Woods, Roberts, Kirkpatrick. |
008 004 126 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Haryd, Normandin, Eckhardt, Roberts, Wollenweber, Graham, Davis, Wakefield, Mighell, Woods, Price, McFarlane, Otjen, Brainerd, Gilchrist, Swift, Dean. Waterman State Bank, Taylor, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Fay, Fearon, Carnes, Grant, Heeg, Schultz, Hunt, alumni, Giles. |
008 004 127 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - commencement, band, Mizel, baseball, sports, Leifheit, Smith, Bend, Kilgore, Minnick, Brown, Giles, Henderson, Woods, Schermerhorn, Johnson, Fuller, McCutcheon, Hardy, Taylor, Lovejoy, Fuller, Thompson, Hershmiller, Mercer, Graham, Noss, Mark, Normandin, Vaughn, Ritter, Liddick. |
008 004 128 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Poile, Leifheit, lamb, Woods, Low, Roberts, Waldschmidt, Miller, Halverson, Graeser, Jacobs, White, Bradbury, Hordon, Dean. Schmidt, Baie, Kauffman, Graham, Harvey, Merriman, Cunz, Tallman, Griffith, Wiltse, Whitford, Minnich, Kirkpatrick, Blackman, Fuller, harding, Brainerd, Greene, Methodist church. |
008 004 129 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - chautauqua, Kilgore, Howison, Fox, Kauffman, Hall, Brown, Roberts, Kennedy, Hunt, Mercer, Wollenweber, Townsend, Dean. Graham, Heeg, Stanley, Carson, Babcock, Kennedy, Storey, Duffy, Hipple, Tompkins, Roberts, Watson, Wykle, Dean. Whitford, Graeser, MacDonald, Wiltse, Macklin, Chestnut, McCleery. |
008 004 130 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Atherton, Presbyterian church, chautauqua, Welsh, Eakle, Herrick, Whitford, Baker, Smpson, Wharton, Green, Garner, Knause, Smiley, Litz, Miller, Merriman, Ilseman, Robinson, Chestnut, Graham, Chapman, Robert, Taylor, Babcock, Carnes, Aderer, Kopfer, Leifheit, Bendson, Babcock, Mercer, Blackman, Mizel, Larson, VanDuesen, Price, Bradbury, Walalce, Rosette, Mizel, Hardy, Kauffman, Gilchrist, Low, Henderson, Derrick, Spencer, Keene, Duffy, Wollenweber, Davis, Stryker. |
008 004 131 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Herrick, Carson, Baxter, Arnold, Hardy, Macklin, Fay, Greeley, Mercer, Daley, Duffy, Cox, Humphrey, Fuller, Rittler, Stone, Schultz, St.Clair, Kirkpatrick, Blackman, VanDusen, Lamb, Whitford, Fuller, Kennedy, Houghtby, Giles, Wiltberger Schermerhorn, McCutcheon, DEan. Heeg, Wiltse, Hibben, Hunt, Hamilton, Tallman, Logeland, Greene, Kennedy, Schmidt, Darling, Post, Carson, Huff, Beiler, Herrick, congdon. |
008 004 132 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Thorpe, Minnich, Noss, Thorpe, Gorman, Furland, Coffee, Derrick, Carnes, Rosette, Keene, Davis, Daley, Drake, Fay, Mercer, McMillan, Andrews, Potter, Allen, Sarbaugh, Richmond, Beck, Kauffman, DeAtley, red cross, Kennedy, Mercer, Kirkpatrick, Presbyterian church. |
008 004 133 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carnes, Eakles, Kirkpatrick, Stryker, Andrews, Olmstead, Wilkinson, Marreson, Nelson, Dean. Schermerhorn, Gilchrist, Runley, Hamilton, Matteson, Whitford, Eckles, dean. Macklin, masonic lodge, Hipple, Babcock, beiler, Baker, Watson, MacFarlane, Congdon, Griffith, Boekenhauer, Keene. |
008 004 134 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wade, Schultz, Greeley, Farley, Esperson, Thorne, Wiltse, Knutson, Mercer, Amdrews, Potter, Lamb, Woods, Wakefield, Gilchrist, Low, Townsend, Dean, Allen, Keene, Graham, Erb. |
008 004 135 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - nurse, Wiltberger, Carson, Macklin, Wiltse, Alfred, Miller, Griffith, VanEtten, Liddick, Stryker, Davis, Sawyer, Keene, Johnson, Darling, Wilkinson, Dixon, Harvey, Kirkpatrick, Brown, beiler, Swift, Roberts, Dean. Stone, Wykle, Swift, Rowley, Exkle, Dean. Whitford, Carlson, Blackman, Stryker, Rosette. |
008 004 136 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Rosette, W. W. Marsh, harvester. |
008 004 137 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - W. W. Marsh, Graeser, Thorne, Mercer, Stewart, Miller, Huff, Morse, Whitford, Herrick, Whitney, Carnes, Simpson, Miller, Blackman, Kirkpatrick, Fuller, Wharton, Baldry, Kirkpatrick, carson. |
008 004 138 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - band, Congdon, clock, Wiltberger, Wiltse, Noss, Knudtson, Larson, Woods, Carson, Herrick, Lamb, Schnibbe, Rowley, Green, Dean. Thompson, Spalding, Ferguson, Dean. Robinson, Baldry, Fuller, Watson, Hipple, methodist church, Greene, Wollenweber, Gibbons, Huey, Fay, Richmond, red cross. |
008 004 139 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Mercer, Babcock, Lamb, Blackman, Congdon, Coppess, fire, grain field, Greene, Giles, Davis, Rowley, Chrisman, Richmond, Nelson, Mair, Fearon, electric fans, Cox, Randles, Roberts, Watson, Mixel, Taylor, Brown, Miller, Greeley, Johnson, Hamilton, railroad, fire, Stryker, threshing, Hall, Wielert, White, Graeser, Fuller. |
008 004 140 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Eckle, Kilgore, Carson, Miller, Davis, Sherlock, army worms, Tompkins, Conlon, Allen, Cocking Weilert, Anderson, Wakefield, Wiltse, Babcock, Mercer, Potter, Herrick, Ames, Noss, Kirkpatrick, Abell, Rumley, Conlon, Woods, Price, Low, Esperson, Normandin, Dreher, Babcock, Lamb, Dean. Wiltberger, Martin, Davenport Boekenhauer, Burmester, Simpson, Potter, Taylor, Carson, Swift, Larson, Whitford, Humphrey, Wagner, Drake, Hines, McAllister, Gilchrist, Tompkins, Fearon, Chrissman, Beiler, Greeley, Draher, Congdon. |
008 004 141 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Congdon, child welfare work, Wilkinson, Johnson, Brown, Babcock, Roberts, Conlon, Rumley, Woods, Darling, Robinson, Stryker, Ames, Tompkins, Kitkpatrick, Greeley, McAllister, Price, Hubbard, Dean. McAllister, EAkle, Kauffman, Sykle, Price, Huey, Bennett, Kopp, Comp, Herrick, Allen, Potter, Larson, Carson, Dean. Thompson, Kennedy, Grant, Frost, Giles. |
008 004 142 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Gilchrist, Liddick, Burmester, Colton, Dean. Wykle, old settlers, Noss, Bastian, Mall, Hipple, Thorpe, Keene, Liddick, Olson, Wilkening, Nehring, Kopp, Potter, VanEtten, Kirk, Price, Heinemeier, McAllister, Dean. Hall, Burmester, Dixon, Huff, Tompkins, Husk, Townsend, Herring, Broughton, Ames, Drake, Kennedy, MacFarlane, Hipple, Maxwell, Graham. |
008 004 143 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Low, Kennedy, Wakefield, Kilgore, Price, Dixon, Rowley, Roberts, Babcock, Hall, Mercer, Whitford, Humphrey, Wagner, Wykle, Lane, Compt, Congdon, Kennedy, MacFarlane, Grady, accident, Wiltberger, clock, Graham, school, red cross. |
008 004 144 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Harnish, Schmidt, Whitford, Keene, Presbyterian church. |
008 004 145 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Huff, Larson, Denton, Conlon, Fox, Brown, Kennedy, Davis, White, McAllister, Mizel, Whitford, Clark, Babcock, Dean. Stover, Price, Whitford, Ames, Swift, Taylor, Chestnut, Leifheit, Presbyterian church, Runley, Wilkinson, Frost, Andrews, Herrick, Woods, Babcock, Greenfield, Wakefield, Brainerd, Pogue, Anchpache, Darling, Kauffman, Mullins, Huff, McFarlane, Miller, Sawyer, Gilchirst, Normandin, Griffith, Kirk, Eakle, Dean. |
008 004 146 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Cross, Carson, Dean. Swift, Woods, electric lights, Methodist church, Place, Wykle, Graham, Dean. Tompkins, Stryker, Andrews, Mcallister, Colton, Wiltberger, Scott, threshing, Huff, Esperson, Randles, Hipple, Beck, Greene, Kitner, Conlon, Fuller, Schultz, Kirk, Drake, Wade, Denton, Johnson, Henderson, Gilchrist. |
008 004 147 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Griffith, Kirk, Whitfod, Greeley, Swift, Dean. Kirkpatrick, Tompkins, Darling, Mizel, Herrick, Thompson, Beck, Congdon, Kenedy, Greenfield, reading circle, Gibbons, Esperson, McFarlane, Simpson, Lutz, Wharton, Ilseman, Greene, Methodist chruch, Noss, Boyle, gasless Sunday. |
008 004 148 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - boyle, gasless Sunday, Wykle, Wolfe, Faber, Wade, Scott, Low, Keegan, Mercer, Hipple, Ferguson, Sherlock, Blake, Hipple, camp grant, Waldschmidt, Rowley, Wiltse, Kennedy, Tompkins, Gilchrist, Frost, Mizel, Herrick, Kirkpatrick, Woods, Davis, Schultz, Lamb, Whitford, Kopp, red cross, Carson, Darling, McAllister, Price, Wilcox, Nelson. |
008 004 149 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fuller, Conlon, Gilchrist, Biehl, Baie, Brown, Larson, Runley, Maxwell, McCleery, Drake, Sarbaugh, Giles, Clapsaddle, Wakefield, Herrick, Richmond, Larson, hartman, Methodist church, Liberty bonds, Price, Miller, Normandin, Heeg, Wilson, Babcock, Joslyn, Davis, hardy, Tompkins, Wollenweber, Graham, Herron, Low, Dean. Johnson, Fuller, Weber, Kirkpatrick, Keene, influenza, Andrews, Webb. |
008 004 150 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - McFarlane, Koontz, Kennedy, Dean. Burket, Griffith, basketball, sports, Wilkinson, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Baker, Baie, Gibbons, Greeley, Heine, Orr, Johnson Grove cemetery, red cross, Presbyterian church, Kennedy, Wallace, Babcock, Colton, Cook, Stryker, Thompson, Price, Mitchel, VanEtten, Wakefield, Husk, Kennedy, Gilchrist, Brainerd, Dean. Minnick, Whitney, Lamb, Darling, influenza, Forrest, Low, Whittemore. |
008 004 151 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wilberger memorial clock, Wallace, Denton, Whitford, Kirkpatrick, Brown, red cross, basketball, sports, Fulton, Congdon, Denton. |
008 004 152 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Denton, Whitford, Mitchell, McCleery, Carson, Mercer, Tompkins, Eakle, Keene, Gibbons, Conlon, Thompson Merriman, Dean. Cox, Robinson, Brown, Drake, Meiler, Potter, Harvey, McFarlane, Clark, Wykle, Lane, Frost, Faber, Graham, Macklin, Wiltse, Hobble, Burmester, Price, Liddick, Kennedy, Fuller, Gilchrist, Schnibbe, Lamb, Frost, Kennedy, Herrick, Wallace, Howison, Beck, Willard, Wilkinson, Wiltberger, clock, Faber. |
008 004 153 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wallace, Liddick, Wade. |
008 004 154 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wallace, Mitchell, Liddick, red cross, Davis, Wilkinson, Baie, Wollenweber, Johnson, Conlon, Price, Burmester, Thompson, Woods, Robinson, Olmstead, Ames, Tompkins, Whitford, Babcock, Baie, Price. |
008 004 155 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Olmstead, Babcock, Dean. Esperson, Tate, Kennedy, Burmester, Carson, Ames, Liddick, Whitford, Flanders, Dean. Normandin, Fulton, Gunderson, Varson, Tompkins, Giles, Greenfield, Frost, Johnson, Price, Simsnyder, Morsch, Clapsaddle, Robinson, Keene, Griffith, Dean. |
008 004 156 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Dean, Baie, Miller, Hipple, Lowe, Baldry, Mizel, Tompkins, Brown, Kennedy, Greenfield, Morsch, Rimsnyder, Grimm, Troeger, Matteson, Pogue, Wimsnider, Whitford, McFarlane, Thompson, Frost, Dean. Roberts, Lamb, Richmond, Normandin, celebration, war over, McAllister. |
008 004 157 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Dean. Andrews, Price, Mercer,Dean, Taylor, Frost, Mizel, Greene, Burmester. |
008 004 158 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Burmester, Simpson, Thompson, Clark, Price, Kitner, Babcock, Wakfield, Liddick, Dean. Whitford, Kennedy, Taylor, Baker, McFarlane, Frost, Hobble, Miller, Gilchrist, Sykle, Wiltberger clock decication. |
008 004 159 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Babcock, McCabe, Brown, Pogue, Winters, Fuller, Averill, Eakle, Parrish, Wallace, Burket, Schultz, Wykle, Richmond, Woods, Davis, Meriman, Colton, Schmerhorn, Giles, Hopkins, Gibbons, Wiltse, Fuller, McMillan, Andrews, Baie, lseman, Clark, Giles, McAllister, Denedy, Whitmore, Roberts, Broughton, Koontz, Hall, Kirkpatrick, Stryker, Mizel, Marlowe, railroad, Miller, Taylor, Bennett, Tallman, Richmond, Graves, Macklin, Wiltberger, Hoble, Baker, Arnold, Kilgore, Tompkins, Gilchrist, Whitney, Carson, Huff, Whitford, Spencer, Fraser, Boekenhauer, Duffy. |
008 004 160 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Maxwell, Brainerd, Dixon, Hunt, Schultz, Schmidt, Jordon Beveridge, McCleery, Tompkins, Carison, Brown, Dean. Hardy, Griddith, Wykle, Ilseman, Kirkpatrick, Breeding, Merriman, Leifheit, Graham, Methodist church, Graeser, Beck. |
008 004 161 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Potter, Greeley, Breeding, Boyle, Pogue, Henderson, VanEtten, Carson, Fay, Wiltberger, Griffith, Kilgore, Eigle, Wakefield, Chestnut, Maxwell, Husk, Gilchrist, Watson, Leihfeit, Tallman, Swift, Boekenhauer, Spencer, Richmond, Fox, Minnick, Frost, Kirkpatrick, Conner, Carson, Weilert, Charlesworth, Matteson, Taylor, McAllister, Maxwell, Brown, Fuller, Simpson, Straton, Greeley, Huff, Macklin, Boyle, Kennedy, Breeding. |
008 004 162 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Leifheit, Babcock, Wollenweber, Flewellyn, Baie, Stanley, Roberts, Pershing, McAllister, Thompson, Randall, Miller, Johnson, Scheoner, Waldschmidt, Howison, Eakle, Dean. Lamb, Wilkinson, Breeding, Hutter, Kirkpatrick, Lane, Ames, Morrison, Nelson, Heeg, Ferguson, Whitford, Koontz, Wiltberger, Mizel, Challand, Carson, red cross, Hage, Henderson. |
008 004 163 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Halverson, Tallman, Whitney, Normandin, Keene, Holbo, Fellows, Leifheit, Lowe, Swift, Johnson, Burmester, Hipple, Stryker, Alford, Miller, Davis, Breeding, Gunderson, Woods, Alford, Herrick, Kirkpatrick, Kitner, Huff, Miller, McCleery, Swanson, Sawyer, Francen, Holbo, Matteson, merriman, Brainerd, Methodist church, Roberts, Whitford, Conlon, Wykle, McFarlane, Woods, Fuller, Dunlap, Mercer. |
008 004 164 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Hunt, McAllister, Dean, Mizel, Garmon, Bowker, Darling, Liddick, Lamb, Richards, Weilert, Rissman, Kauffman, Hinds, Hutter, Swift, Ritter, Greeley, Marion, Greenwood, Hall, Eakle, Sawyer, Keene, Woods, Whitford, Henderson, Congdon, Wesle, Carson. |
008 004 165 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Price, Pogue, Methodist church, Hall, Shatto, Kirkpatrick, Francen, Roberts, Leifheit, Ilseman, Fay, Davis, Dean. Tallman, Schnibbe, Eakle, Fuller, Ames, Taylor, Weilert, Fuller, Ames, Giles, Lows, Robinson, Schultz, Firkins, Liddick, Samuels, VanKifk, Cross, Keene, Spencer, Babcock, Watson, Thompson, Wiltse, Kingsley, Woods, Fuller, Roberts, Potter, Coppess, Dolder, Hunt, McAllister, Wakefield, Carson, Ashworth, Atkinson, Graham, Hutter Herrick, Darling, Bradbury, Richmond, Lamb, Thorpe, camp grant, Wallace. |
008 004 166 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Taylor, Waterman State Bank, telephone rental, Roberts, Lamb, Babcock, Heeg, Schnibbe, air mail, airport, Herrick, Darling, Frost, Gibbons, Eigle, Bennett, Huey, Roberts, Lmb, Walker, Arnold, Minnick, Howison, Papenburg, Sitler, Herrick, Ames, Herrick, Dean, Logan, Wallace, Keenan, Rowley, East, Mizel, Andrews, McCleery, Greenfield, Walker, Dixon, Klages, Kirkpatrick, Mercer, Johnson, Giles, Ames, Hipple, Watson. |
008 004 167 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Gibbons, Verly, red cross, Wilkinson, Heath, McFarlane, Richmond, Brownlee, Macklin, Stryker, Schmerhorm, Rompf, Nelson, Griffith, Olson, Miller, Henderson, Hall, Dean. Kirkpatrick, Starry, Roberts, Hufty, Thorne, Dean. Wiltse, martin, Brown, carson, Breeding, Brainerd, McAlliser, Gilchrist, Cox, Randle, Thorpe, Ferguson, BAie, Boekenhauer, Charlesworth, Kauffman, Carson, Whitford, Carson, Brown, Johnson, Ealke, Hunt. |
008 004 168 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fox, Howison, Kilgore, McAllister, Carson, Kline, Randles, Husk, Gilchrist, Kirkpatrick, Eigle, Zemelsky, Congdon, Greeley, Peterson, Granart, Ilseman, Wiltberger clock, Johnson, Sarbaugh, Gibons, Liddick, Koontz, Merriman, VanEtten, Mercer, Beck, Schmidt, Kauffan, Gunderson, Low, Noss, Richmond, Baie, Ilseman, Wilkinson, Bradbury, Kilgore, Dunlap, Waterman State Bank, Kopp, McAllister, Presybterian church, Methodist. |
008 004 169 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Herrick, Watson, Darling, Liddick, Macklin, Starry, Thompson, Brown, Hipple, Challand, Weber, Hall, Cook, Stryker, Kirkpatrick, bridge, Minnick, Keene, Swift, Pogue, Boekenhauer, Schultz, Fuller, Harvey, Loontz, Pershing, Taylor, Hipple, Dean. Nelson, Gilchrist, Minnick, Matteson, Fuller, Richmond, Verley, Gibbons, basketball, sports, Schnibbe, flag, Wilkinson, Atherton, Massear, Smiley, DeAtley, Whitman, Carson, Bunton. |
008 004 170 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Spencer, Leifheit, Keene, Whitford, Specht, Shepardson, Woods, Methodist church, Wallace, red cross, anti caloon, sleighing party, Kauffman. |
008 004 171 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Graham, Kirkpatrick, Wallace, Johnons, Richmond, McDougall, Smiley, Wykle, Hall, Miller, Howison, Rowley, Huff, Henderson, Tompkins, Mizel, Beck, Duffy, Burmester, Hobble, Harris, Methodist church, Whitford, Hefty, EAkle, Watson, Thompson, Weibke, Hardy, Bohe, Stryker, Hopkins, Challand, Minnich, Kauffman, Babcock, Olson, Webb. Giles, Walker, Breeding, Fuller, Dreher, Gilchrist, Dean. Red cross, Peck, Granart, Carson, Lowe, Wollenweber, Cook, Kitner, Mercer, Bradbury, WAkefield, Randall, Roberts, Giles. |
008 004 172 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Chestnut, Schultz, Lamb. Roberts, Pratt, Babcock, band, Wilkinson, Brainerd, Methodist church, Hamilton, Morsch, Johnson, Wakefield, Price, Roberts, Dean. Graham, Henderson, Eakle, Bridge, Carson, Miller, Liddick, Walace, Hipple, Kirkpatrick, East, Fay, Oleson, Manning, Huff. |
008 004 173 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Mercer, Eigle, Hipple, Beiler, Husk, Gilchrist, Smiley, Kirkpatrick, Brainerd, Bark, Greeley, Shepardson, Matteson VanNess, Frost, Carnes, Wilkinson, Pershing, Kitner, Low, Lattin, Pogue, Huey, Bradt, Culver, Okerstrom, Knudson, Mitchell, Ashworth, Congdon, Turnbloom, Tompkins, Hoble, Mizel, Hoenig, Henderson, Smith, Griffith, Lamb, football, sports, Noss, Miller, Deacon, Presbyterian churhc, EAkle. |
008 004 174 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Mizel, Blackman, Chestnut, Presbyterian church, Giles, Carson, Schultz, Fearon. |
008 004 175 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Mitchell, Keene, Knutson, McDougal, Woods, Thompson, Frost, Sherlock, Shabbona grove, Gunderson, Esperson, Swift, Herrick, Pogue, Fuller, Wollenweber, Macklin, Olson, Beck, Whitford, Conlon, Haag, Randle, Hibben, Andrews, Griffin, Keene, Granart, Matteson, McFarlane, Henderson, Stryker, Swanson, Smith, Husk, Dean, Ashworth, Kesner, Giles, Fisk, Marion, Gibbons, Tompkins, Hardy, Pershing, Fowler, Woods, Sherlock, Wilkinson, Baie, Baker, Kirkpatrick, Kauffman, Carson, Fearon, Breeding, Weilert, Anderson, Howison, Low. |
008 004 176 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Low, Dean, Merriman, Methodist church, moving pictures, school, red cross, Wilkinson, Martin, Liddick, band. |
008 004 177 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - taxes, property tax, Hay, Methodist church, Gilchrist, Hardy, Fox, Richmond, Ilseman, Herrick, Heeg, Reingardt, Giles, Eakle, Driscol, Woods, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Johnson, Fuller, Eide, Lynch, Wakle, Weilert, Cook, Halverson, Babcock, Fearon, Drake, Schultz, Sarbaugh Breeding, Price, Kauffman, Halverson, Dean. Beck,brainerd, Thompson, Schmidt, Keene, Whitford, Esperson, Nelson, McAllister, Charlesworth, Kennedy, Greenfield, Wallace, Arnold, Gordon, Carlson, Stryker, Wettemore, stock yard. |
008 004 178 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fuller, McDougall, Miller, Carson, Howison, Wykle, Whitford, sports, Minick, Whitney, Pogue, Graham, Carson, McAllister, Kirkpatrick, Macklin, Miller, Carson, Bowker, Smith, Schnibbe, Giles, Martin. Liddick, Herrick, Matteson, railroad, Wiltberger. |
008 004 179 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Martin, Liddick, Presbyterian church, Methodist church, Potter, Swift, Hutter, Sheets, Carlson, Keene, Baie, Stryker, Greeley, Watson, Roberts, Kirkpatrick, Johnson grove, Challand, Wollenweber, Davis, Davenport, Hoage, Eakle, railroad, Tompkins, Whitford, Kauffman, Clark, Fowler, Broughton, Schnibbe, Rolge, Clages, Miller, Deacon, Whitford. |
008 004 180 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Huff, Tompkins, Stryker, Parks, Fuller, Kennedy, Smiley, Matteson, Coultas, Carlson, Carson, Olmstead, Simpson, Allen, Giles, Swift, Dean. Methodist church, minute men, Rowley, Wallace, Hunt, Burmester, Schultz, Halverson, Wiltse, Woods, Holbo, Keene, Hefty, Whitford, Wykle, Mitchell, Hutter, Stover, Ames, Schultz, Alford, Greeley, Macklin, Robinson, Turnbloom, Herrick, Drake, Weilert, Richmond, Rompf, Keene, Babcock, Brown. |
008 004 181 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Sanford, Fuller, Carlson, Hansen, Bennett, Johnson, Drake, Schmidt, Kirkpatrick, Brown, Macklin, Mizel, Dean, Miller, Eakle, Carson, Roberts, Esperson, Bean, Dixon, Haag, Carlson, Weber, Hipple, skating rink, movies, Challand, Gilchirst, Pratt, Heifner, Ritter, Swift, club, Howison, Burmester, Ashworth, ice, basketball, sports, Gilchrist, Whitford, Hutter, Wollenweber, SWift, Wakefield, Beiler, Wiltse, Woods, Pogue. |
008 004 182 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Richmond, Simpson, Garner, club, Stryker, Leifheit, chickens, Scheson. |
008 004 183 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Herrick, caucus, McCleery, Smith, Greeley, Presbyterian church, Methodist, Graham, Stryker, Lane, Huff, Schoner, Kopp, Carson, Mizel, Howison, Borchers, McAllister, Husk, Miller, Rowley, Bowker, Dean. Kennedy, Gilchrist, Herman, Wilkinson, Charlesworth, Price, Tompkins, Hamilton, Hardy, Hufty, Whitfod, Darling, Rimsnyder, Carlson, McDougal, Roberts, Fay, Tuntland, Rosette, Smith, Peterson, Chapman, Baie. |
008 004 184 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Baie, Reingardt, Baker, Swanson, Giles, Schultz, Hutter, Schnibbe, Babcock, Bohe, Bowker, Schmidt, Drake, Gilchrist, Giels, Huff, Mercer, Walker, Roberts, Lamb, Pratt, Price, Hipple, Dean. Swift, Hopkins, Crane, Richmond, Fowler, Gibbons, Spencer, Schultz, Chestnut, Herrick, Boekenhauer, STryker, Keene, Schoner, camp grant, Garner, Pershing, McAllister. |
008 004 185 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Herrick, Baie, Prsbyterian church, Methodist church, Carnes, Kirkpatrick, caucus, Martin, McCleery, Suddeth, Mitchell, Cox, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Lamb, Henderson, Burmester, Dean. Bridge, Noss, Whitford, Morsch, Kirby, Whitford, Husk, Schott, Tompkins, Herrick, Hipple, Roberts, Brown, Martin, Reingardt, Kennedy, Price. |
008 004 186 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - domestic science, Eckhardt, Woods, Stryker, Rolfe, Ramer, Dreher, Wiltse, Wiltberger, Darling, Schultz, Bark, Lynch, Sawyer, Bradbury, Whitford, Staley, Weilert, Boekenhauer, Carson, Leifheit, Baie, Fuller, Greeley. |
008 004 187 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - McDairmid, Woods, Reingardt, wollenweber, Deming, Sebby, Methodist church, Presbyerian, Darling, Gilchirst, Schermerhorn, Hardy, Tompkins, Bark, Kennedy, McDougall, Ilseman, Howison, Schmidt, Drake, Woods, Johnson, Schutlz, Duffy, Shaffer, Ames, Thompson, Charlesworth, Keene, Sherlock, Hall, Kirkpatrick, Schnibbe, Lamb, Price, Bennett, Robinson, Chestnut, Carson, Burmester, Hart, Hyer, Giles, Herrick, Brown, Kitner, Giles, Wallace, Moore, Baker, Baie, Eigle, Herrick, Griffith, Hibben, Whitman, Allen, Baldry. |
008 004 188 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Styker, Weilert, Miller, Hobble, Burmester, Carson, Wilkinson, Greene, Prat, Tallman, Noss, Schermerhorn, Daniels, Duffy, Kirkpatrick, Stoer, Hibben, Miller, Scott, Halverson, Brown, Hamilton, Schnibbe, Schmidt, Bohe, Matteson, Eigle, Gibbons, Wakefield, Harvey, EAkle, Swift, Keene, Thompson, Crover, Deacon, Hipple, Watson, Hefty, Lamb, Gilchrist, Minnick, Randle, Boyle, Reid, Gilchrist. |
008 004 189 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Sample women's ballot, Hardy, Fay, Davis, Tallman, Thompson, Wiltse, Fuller, Babcock, Hardy, Drake, Carlson, Beveridge. |
008 004 190 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - sample men's ballot, Charlesworth, Robinson, Sauder, Normandin, Simpson, Thorpe, Greeley, Fuller, Lamb, Scott, Roberts, Fay, Wallace, Herrick, Whitford, Chestnut, Simpson, McDougal, Holbo, Alford, Babcock, Boekenhauer, Whitford, Harvey, Kirkpatrick. |
008 004 191 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Henderson, Stryker, Kirkpatrick, Wiltse, Kilgore, Dean. Breeding, Starry, Mercer, Fowler, Wakefield, Robinson, Tarbell, Greeley, Wiltberger, Greene, Davis, Allen, Marsh, Heeg, Wollenweber, Challand, Gilchrist, Reingardt, Kopp, Eakle, Dean, Keene, Carson, Nelson, Sawyer, Babcock, election. |
008 004 192 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wallace, Smiley, Fearon, Nelson, Starry, Stryker, Burmester, Baie, Wiltse, Herrick, Miller, Richmond, Kauffman, Whitford, camp grant, Price, Woods, Wiltberger, Ames, Chase, Fuller, Johnson, Halverson, Dean. Greley, Baie, Ilseman, Graham, Hutter, Wilkinson, Conlan, Babcock, Clark, Schmidt, Kirkpatrick, Swift, Ferguson, Eigle, franklin, Leifheit, McCleery, Colton, Thorson, Lamb, Rimsnyder, Dean. boyle, Tuntland, Shepartdon, Brown, Bowers, Clark, Matteson, Rissman, Darling, Wilkinson, Bohe. |
008 004 193 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Mercer, Hyer, Hardy, Elva, Agnew, Kirkpatrick, club, Carnes, Merriman, influenza, Hinds, Souder, Shaffer, Griece, Scitsinger, Gordon, Browning, Peck, creamery, Methodist church, Carson, Matteson, Wiltberger, road, basketball, sports, Dixon, Bridge, Heeg, Pogue, Swift, Nelson, Richmond, Graham, Fuller, Beveridge, Barber, Whitford, camp grant. |
008 004 194 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, domestic science club, election, Deming, Kopp, Wakefield, park, Wiltberger, Schnibbe, Hartman, Hutter, Carson, Lamb, Graham, Boyle, McCleery, Richmond, Hopkins, Halverson, Woods, McFarlane, Chestnut, Shanahan, EAkle, Merriman, Kopp, Hobble, Thompson, VanEtten, Kirkpatrick, Watson, Pogue, Herrick, Dean, East, Greeley, Wiltse, Schultz, Bark, Otjen, Brainerd, Carson, Baie, Johnson Grove, Mercer, Sarbaugh, Babcock, Wallace, Cox, Howison. |
008 004 195 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Koontz, Pogue, Dean. Tompkins, Miller, Copeland, Griffith, Eakle, Whitford, Harvey, Holverson, Election, Congdon, Wakefield, Deming, Kopp, Schultz, Hamilton, divorce. |
008 004 196 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Methodist church, Mandeville, Hall, Wiltberger, Bend, Baie, Hibben, Mosher, Whitfod, Andrews, Brown, Pogue, Burmeister, Griffith, Fuller, Potter, Hunt, Wollenweber, Congdon, Drake, Ames, Herrick, Roberts, Stryker, Schutlz, Giles, Wiltse, Bridge, WallaceMarshall, Kilgore, Bean, Eakle, Bowker, Swanson, Smith, Clapsaddle, railroad, Garner, Schnibbe, Sawyer, Dannewitz, Wielert, Shatto, Hopkins, Liddick, Dixon, Johnson, Mosher, Elva, Dean. Woods, Beck, Olmstead, Breeding. BRainerd. |
008 004 197 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carson, Smiley, Hipple, Mizel, Methodist church, Gibbons, Scheson, Davis, Drake, Presbyterian church, building, homes, victory loan, Herrick, Sunday school. |
008 004 198 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fearon, stryker, Harvey, Wods, Roberts, Macklin, Eakle, Keene, Babcock, Herrick, Hamilton, Eakle, Alford, Baie, hipple, Johnson, Brown, Ames, Swift, Blackman, Kennedy, Lane, Cox, Davis, Bradbury, Carnes, Mizel, Hobble, Burmester, BArks, Hartman, Mercer, Normandin, Minnick, Gunderson, Noss, Kirkpatrick, Heeg, Gunmansen, Wiltse, Huey, Graham, Boyle, Walace, Maxwell, Carson, DKauffman, Lamb. Andrews, Fuller, Liddick, Hunt, Whitford, Fuller, George, BAie, Thompson, Walsh, Nelson. |
008 004 199 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Gibbons, Sarbaugh, Drake, Starry, Blackman, Schnibbe, Maxwell, Fay, Herrick, Roberts, Methodist church, Giels, railroad, Wollenweber, school, Greeley, memorial trees, Nelson, Esperson, Kitner, Tompkins, Gilchrist, Keene, Reingardt, Pogue, Gordon, Corylyn, Beck, Drake, Kennedy, Hipple, Woods, Boekenhauer, Schmidt, Wiltse, Price, Thompson, Schutlz, Roberts, Fay, McFarlane, Phillips. |
008 004 200 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Brown, Kopp, Keene, Dean. Price, Kent, Harpman, Wiltberger, Minnick, Whitney, Weilert, Thompson, Fearon, Woods, Olmstead, Randle, Howison, Sobchek, Marion, Kilgore, Nelson, Watson, Tate, Frost, Gibbons, Lutz, Shrylock, Roberts, Nelson, Barton, Kirkpatrick, Wykle, Eastern Star, Dewey, Martin, Hafline, Graham, Bradbury, Harvey, Wilkinson, railroad, Schnibbe, Welsh, Wiltse, Welsh, Beiler, Price, Weaver. |
008 004 201 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Normandin, Roberts, Kindergarten, Wakefield, Boyle, Wollenweber, Spencer, Garman, Kilgore, Rolfe, Garman, Kirkpatrick, Swift, DeAtley, Grances, Swanson, Roberts, Congdon, East, Sunday school, memorial trees, domestic science club, Methodist church, Presbyterian. |
008 004 202 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Bowers, Howison, Bark, Boken, Kirkpatrick, Brown, Brainderd, Hibben, Heeg, Thorpe, Miller, camp grant, Wilkinson, Rystad, Greeley, victory loan, Roberts, Miller, Low, Crane, Lamb, Pogue, Price, Hardy, Woods, Kauffman, Whitford, Hall, Graham, Conlin, Ferguson, Hipple, Taylor, Potter, bank, Lyons, Thompson, Barks, Tarbell, Herrick, Gilchrist, Beck, Swift, Johnson, Thorpe, Schmidt, Fuller, Dean. Duffy, Lutz, Giles, Stryker, Eakle, Tompkins, Barnes, Swift, brainerd. |
008 004 203 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - domestic science club, Methodist church, cemetery, Clinton, Johnson Grove, Greeley, Keene, Sawyer, Wiltse, Babcock, Olmstead, Hartman, Palmer, Herrick, Marshall, Macklin, Husk, Koontz, Thompson, Ilseman, Harvey, Dixon, Woods, Ferguson, Huey, Lyons. |
008 004 204 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Bridge, Johnson Grove, Claek, Stryker, Robinson, Swift, Wakefield, O'May, Griffith, Martin, Presbyterian church, Methodist, Bridge, Greeley, Harrison, Roberts, Fowler, Keene, Wilkinson, Davis, Schmidt, Heeg, Walace, Woods, Kingsley, Tompkins, Watson, Baie. |
008 004 205 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Cook, Kirkpatrick, Johnson Grove, Gordon, Anderson, Keene, Robinson, Brown, Minard, Roberts, Khiel, Whitman, Miller, Carson, Brown,Milburn hotel, Fuller, Hipple, Sykle, Kopp, Huey, Eckhardt, Eakle, Merriman, Welsh, Lowe, Davis, Duffy, McCormich, Schoner, Hipple, Richmond, Mizel, Kennedy, Price, Schultz, Potter, Rowley, Keene, Macklin, Flewellyn, Collins, Sherwood, Jennings, Whitford, Wiltse, Kent, Tarbell, greeley, McDonald, Wollenweber, Boekenhauer. |
008 004 206 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Pritchard's grove, Coquelin McNulty, school, Fearon, memorial service, alumni, Woods, Whitford, Price, Herrick, Fox, Martin, Carson, Cheney, Kent, hart, Kirkpatrick, Spencer, brainerd, Miller, Huff, Wallace, Sawyer, Keene, Roberts, Mitchell, McAllister, Keene, Sawyer. |
008 004 207 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Schemerhorn, Dixon, Boken, Welsh, McDonald, Olmstead, wakefield, Wiltse, Roberts, Haefelin, Herrick, Peisha, Wiltberger, Steward, Gilchrist, Badka, Eakle, Woods, Alford, Carson, Hibben, Fuller, Husk, Duffy, Hopkins, Olmstead, Welsh, Harvey, Bradbury, Kirkpatrick, Foster, Colton, Smith, Carnes, Stryker, Marshall, Reid, Dean. Hill, Thompson, Breeding, Hardy, Blake, Maxwell, Pickrell, Burmeister, Graham. |
008 004 208 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Simpson, memorial day trees, clay, school, chautauqua. |
008 004 209 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Wallace, Marshall, Brown, Keenen, Hardy, Beck, Burmeister, Baie, Tompkins, Price, Grancen, Wollenweber, Mattesonl Logeland, Kirkpatrick, Mizel, Papenburg, Eakle, Houghbty, Pogue, Liddick, Thompson, Kent, Baie, darling, McMillan, Andrews, Babcock, Weilert, Woods, Mercer, Peterson, Granert, Rowley, Carson, Grenfield, Russell, Roberts, Daniels, Schultz, Challand, Wiltberger, Graham, Wiltse, Kilgore, Fuller, Minnick, Gilchrist, Brown, Hardy, Holbrook, Kauffman. |
008 004 210 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kauffman, school, alumni, Robinson, Macklin, Thomas, Dean, Wiltse. |
008 004 211 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Holbo, Swift, Wollenweber, Macklin, Allen, Mighell, Graham, Cook, Stryker, Blackman, Ames, Tompkins, Roberts, Greenfield, Merriman, Chestnut, Stott, Thompson, Spencer, Wilson, Hardy, Mation, Greeley, Dean. Hobble, Burmester, Brown, Walker, Carson, Woods, Reed, Sawyer, Keene, Wiltberger, Pogue, Baie, Potter, Herrick, Dixon, Taggart, Schultz, Weilert, Whitford, Davis, Presbyterian church. |
008 004 212 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carnes, VanEtten, Parks, Sawyer, Forrer, Minnick, Watson, Mizel, Robinson, Keene, Babcock, Woods, Tuntland, Baie, Tompkins, Hibben, Wilkinson, Bowker, Brown, Kauffman, Hipple, Stryker, Thorpe, Eakle, Carnes, vote, election, Bradbury, Flanders, camp grant, Ames, Kahle, whitford, East, Hefty, Taylor, Methodist church. |
008 004 213 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Allen, Presbyterian church, baseball, sports, Wallace, Hamilton, Burmeister, Claek, Fuller, Wiltberger, Hunt, Walker, Boken, Welsh, Allen, Potter, Ames, macklin, Swift, Dean. Forrer, Minnick, Tompkins, Graham, Miller, strawberry crop, Darling, Wiltse, Clark, Brainerd, G.A.R. Tomlin, bandm Harris, chautauqua, Greeley, Holbo, Woods, Henderson, Burmeister, Huff, McFarlane, Tompkins, Baie, Henderson, BArks. |
008 004 214 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Francen, Garman, Boekenhaeur, Dean. Stanton, Gibbons, Kahle, Harvey, Gletty, Kettler Bark, Wiltberger, Towley, Schultz, Brooks, Kilgore, Hipple, Leifheit, Bennett, Morsch, Flanders, Taylor, Graham, Sauber, Smiley, Babcock, Greeley, Welsh, Borden Milk, Herbert, Harvey, Haefelin, Martin, Ames, Taylor, Richmond, Kirkpatrick, veterans, G.A.R., Hardy, Darling, Andrews, Blackman. |
008 004 215 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kent, Bridge, Stryker, Mercer, Johnson, Swift, Fay, Roberts, Hart, Johnson, Graham, Svec, Griffith, Hardy, Breeding, Keene, Eakle, Drake, Ames, Carson, Halverson, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Wallace, Dean. Kennedy, Garvey, Kauffman, Carson, Whitford, Schmidt, McAllister, Hardy, Fuller, Mighell, Schneider, Roberts, Miller, Knutsner, Davis, Weilert, Stryker, Post, Carson, Flewellyn, Hipple, Keene, Richmond, Merriman, Husk, Price, Griese, Martin, Hall, Davenport, McDougall, Woods, Lamb, Babcock, Kent, Boyle, Whitford, Gibbons. |
008 004 216 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Roberts, Pratt, Carnes, Wilkinson, Spencer, Cross, Smiley, Kennedy, Kienst, Hipple, Larson, Presbyterian church, VanEtten, Band, Babcock, Dourety, Schoener, Hibben, Carnes, Eakle, Herrick, Davis, Woods, Matteson, Miller, Seidel, Francen, Dean. Kent, Wollenweber, Challand, Rowley, Hamilton, Hirschmiller, Klages, Matteson, Andrews, Fuller, WAkefield, Roberts, Lamb, Pratt, Jennigns, railroad, copper wire, robbery, Sawyer. |
008 004 217 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Richmond, Arnold, Herrick, Eakle, Schoener, Bark, Darling, Ferguson, Maier, Souder, Morsch, Schmidt, Marion, Greeley, Logeland, Walker, Dixon, Congdon, Minard, Brainerd, Davis, Kent, McDiarmid, Presbyterian church, Carson, Minnick, Daily, Duffy, Schutlz, Keene, Carson, Stuart, Giles, Breeding, Koontz,Wakefield, Judd, Boothe, Herrick, Heeg, STryker, Spencer, Blackman, Duffy, Hopkins, Leifheit, Harris Kopfer, Wilkinson, Gordon, Miller, Richmond, Drake, Burmeister, Norkig, Henderson, Gibbons, Price, Sarbaugh, Martin, Wiltberger. |
008 004 218 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Gilchrist, Wiltberger, Andrews, Duncan, baseball, sports, chautauqua, domestic science club. |
008 004 219 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Methodist, Starr, Davis, Carson, Spencer, Watson, Burmeister, Robinson, Ilseman, Alford, Leifheit, Eakle, Heun, East, Robert, Pratt, Chestnut, Cooker, Matteson, McCleery, Mizel, Keene, Babcock, Macklin, East, Baker, Taylor, Tompkins, Fuller, Wiltberger, Kitner, Bowers Featon, Herbert, Bowman milk, Welsh, Carnes, Merriman, Beveridge, McCleery, Low, Stewart, Rowley, Kirkpatrick, Schultz, Woods, Gilchrist, Boyle, Maxwell, Graham, Nelson, Fuller, Schmerhorn, Thompson, Boekenhauer, Alford, Cook, Stryker. |
008 004 220 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Otjen, Brainer, Dean, Congdon, Pritchard, Beveridge, Davis, chautauqua, Babcock, Gilchirst, Atherton, Baker, Baie, Wright, accident, Haefelin, Wright, Keene, Methodist church, Presbyterian, Ames, Macklin, Watson, Schmerhorn, Heeg, MIller, Eakle, Wiltse, Drake, CArson, Liddick, Kiehl, Firkins, Macklin, Schnibbe, Thorne, Kollmann, Whitford, Pritchard, Mercer, Esperson, Dean. Heeg. Ames. |
008 004 221 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fuller, Price, Sarbaugh, Deake, Haefelin, Low, Weilert, Kirkpatrick, Stryker, Dixon, Wharton, camp grant, Owens, Ferguson, Furland, Johnson, Smith, Bowker, Hutter, Owens, Roderick, Huff, Blackman, Wiltse, Roberts, Moore, Bennett, Bar, Fredericksen, Howland, Price, Randle, Hipple, Harpman, Klemm, Knudsen, Carson, Fransen, Miller, Swidel, Swift ,Roberts, Schnibbe, Klagges, GReeley, Kopp, Hyer, Huey, Bennett, Noss, Kirkpatrick, Dreher, Schultz, Babcock, Macklin, BAie, Challand, Deming, Schaffler, Hunter, Carson, Logeland, Atherton, Ritter, Conlin, Gilchrist, Hunt, Schultz, camp grant. |
008 004 222 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Nelson, Starry, breeding, Andrews, Heeg, Duffy, Garman, Kilgore, Woods, Eakle, Haeflin, Mercer, Pogue, Thorne, Atherton, Wiltse, Richmond, Schmidt, Blackman, Hopkins, Potter, Fuller, Ritter, Woods, Wakefield, McDougall, Richmond, Gibbons, Wiltberger, Hyer, Ames, WAkefield, SWift, Giles, Keene, Stryker, Fuller, Deming, Kauffman, Davis, chautauqua, Nelson, Leamous, Roberts. |
008 004 223 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Bradbury, Miller, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Hyer, Roberts, Pratt, Heeg, Schultz, Keene, Kauffman, Woods, Carson, Francen, Garman, Minnick, Shaffer, Burmeister, robbery, Noss, Dean. Hobble, Scott, Houghtby, Hutchinson, Herrick, Wallace, Whitford, East, Dean. Boyle, Graham, Sherlock, Victory loan, Spencer, Dixon, Wiltberger, Kirkpatrick, Gibbons, Hopkins, Davenport, Liddick, Woods, Simpson, Carson, Barton, Ames, Thompson, Merriman. |
008 004 224 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Methodist church, Faisler, Fulton, Roberts, Quick, Wiltberger, airport, airplane, bird machine, Burmeister, Wykle, Francen, Cook, Watson, Voris, Keene, Meady, Duffy, Herron, Colton, McMillan, Andrews, Alford, Conlin, Haefelin, Carson, Shatto, Brewer, Jackson, Husk, Piper, Bowers, Welsh, Manser, Woods, Nelson, McNair, Randle, Huff, Roberts, Highell, Bridge, Congdon, Graver, Hines, Kennedy, Morsch, Zeigler, Johnson, Reingardt, Herick, Sawyer, Boekenhauer, Kirkpatrick, Low. |
008 004 225 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Carosn, Kauffman, Greeley, Farley, Darling, Davis, Hunter, chautauqua, Burmeister, Crumb, Giels, Wiltse, Tompkins, Eakle, Miller, Schultz, Kauffman, Merriman, Quilhot, Davis, Tarbell, Greeley, Liddick, Macklin, Gilchrist, Olson, Heeg, Smith, Carnes, Martin, McFarlane, VanEtten, Clark, Whitaker, Howison, state bank, Allen, Richmond, Harvey, Babcock, Hix, Wykle, Kopp, Randle, Cox, McCleery. |
008 004 226 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Leifheit, Knudtson, Herric, Drake, Whitford, Dean. East. Graham, Beck, Bridge, Beck, Charlesworth, Zeiter, Wykle, boy scout, Huff, Starry, Kilgore, Rowley, Deaher, Schutlz, Whitman, Carson, Stryker, Ritter, Swift, Ames, Shatto, Weilert, Spencer, Cross, Wollenweber, Thorne, Wallace, Dean. Flanders, Kirkpatrick, Lutz, Houghtby, Hemphill, Kopp, Braienrd, Swift, Whitford, Randle, Babcock, Congdon, Challand. |
008 004 227 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Hunt, Liddick, Price, Randle, Greeley, Fuller, Stryker, Greene, Kirkpatrick, Welsh, Scholl, Heeg, Peisha, Davis, Herrick, Fuller, Greenfield, Colton, Roberts, McNair, Randle, Schultz, Giles, Dean, Hipple, Greeley, hospital addition, Liddick, Wiltse, EAkle, Fowler, Wakefield, Ferguson, Ames, Mercer, Howison, Borkenhauer, Pogue, Mighell, Hinds, Thompson, Darling, Wakefield, Carson, Potter. |
008 004 228 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Greene, Deming, Robinson, Davis, Reingardt, Randle, Schnibbe, Fransen, Wiltse, Rowley, Congdon, Kilgore, Cook, Huey, Eakle, Hobble, Simpson, Miller, Graham, Price, Fuller, Gordon, Lamb, Weilert, Miller, Swift, Kirkpatrick, Blackman, Greeley, Marion, Herrick, Peisha, Scott, Kauffman, Murmeister, Kent, Dixon, Branbury, Taylor, Bolton, Roberts, Conlin, Haefelin, Bridge. |
008 004 229 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kauffman, Bridge, Crum, Burmeister, Jandt, Robinson, camp fire girls, Clark, Dixon, Dean. Woods, Breeding, Macklin, Brown, Drake, Darling, Heeg, Graeser, Keene, Merriman, Duffy, Olmstead, Abrams, Fuller, Roberts, Tompkins, Merriman, Fuller, Beiler, Kent. |
008 004 230 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Brown, Allen, Keene, Alford, McMillan, Schutlz, Hunt, Price, Dixon, Halverson, Waldschmidt, Dean. Giles, Holbo, Johnson, Carnes, Francen, Miller, Schultz, Dean, Christianson, Spencer, Prichard's grove, Tarbell, Kennedy, Fay, Fraser, McAllister, Huff, Whitford, Watson, Olmstead, Swift, DAvis, Bowers, Hall, Graham, Darling, Scott, Babcock, Brown, Price, Woods, Fuller, Gilchrist, Randle. |
008 004 231 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Dixon, Garmon, Mercer, Kirkpatrick, Schnibble, VanKirk, Schermerhorn, Herrick, Haefelin, Burmeister, Fay, bRainerd, Herrick, Kopp, Smith, Stryker, Alen, Whitford, Clark, Stryker, Greeley, Babcock, Woods, Gilchrist, Bowker, Boyle, Wakefield, Price, Woods, Eigle, Gibbons, Wykle. |
008 004 232 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Sykle, play, Olmstead, school, Ames, Kahle, Whitford, East, Hefty, Taylor, Whitaker, Moose, Barton, deacon, Huff, Graham, Breeding, Biehl, Granart, Wiltberger, Tomkins, McFarlane Scott, Merriman, Haefelin, Duffy, sarbaugh, Minnick, Herrick, Low, Dufyf, Deatley, Esperson, Boekenhauer, Beiler, Dixon, Dean, Boyle, Kenendy, Kirkpatrick, Fearon. |
008 004 233 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Scott, Thompson, Presbyterian church, Methodist, domestic science club, Fuller, Gilchrist, White, Bennett, Watson, Kirkpatrick, Miller, Breeding, Satterlee, Weilert, Kirkpatrick, Schutlz, Kauffman, Wollenweber, Spencer, Richmond, Wiltberger, Atherton, Eigle, Gibbons. |
008 004 234 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wilkinson, Carson, Howison, Price, Baie, Schermerhorn, Tompkins, Lane, Haefelin, Eakle, Minnich, Whitford, Gilchrist, Stryker, Low, Keene, Heeg, Gibbons, Larson Ames, Wakefiedl, Post, Kennedy, Schultz, Babcock, Cook, Macklin, Giels, Roberts, Pratt, Hutter, Johnson, Mitchell, Fuller, Kennedy, Dixon, Walker, Babcock, Pritchard's grove. |
008 004 235 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Fuller, homecoming, Stryker, Johnson, Dean. Waldschmidt, Breeding, Hobble, Burmeister, Heeg, Watson, Miller, Whitford, Colton, Babcoco, Greeley, Clark, Dixon, Allen, White, Gilchirst, Wakefield, Pratt, Roberts, Herrick, Potter, Johnson, Nelson, Fuller, Brown, Miller, Heeg, Woods, Babcock, Fearon, Greeley, Minnick, McDonald, Olmstead, Benson, Johnson. |
008 004 236 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Greeley, Giles, Presbyterian church, Shaffer, Breeding, stryker, Andrews, Stuart, Schmidt, Johnson, Husk, Horneman, Baie, Tarbell, Haefelin, Fearon, Duffy, Richmond, Thompson, Methodist church, homecoming, Davis, Voris, Olmstead Ames, Firkins, Hipple, Hickey, Baie, Bridge, Sawyer, Keene, Simpson, Post, Kennedy, Mizel, Tompkins, Weilert, Wollenweber, Roberts, Kitner, Tompkins. |
008 004 237 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wollenweber, Giles, Hemphill, veterans, Hardy, Kennedy, Boekenhauer, Roberts, Wilkinson, Greeley, Ames, Kennedy, Gilchrist, Price, Davis, building, Greeley, Tompkins Wiltse, Brown, Roberts, Swift, Haefelin, Watson, Carnes, Tarbell, Kirkpatrick, Thompson, Marshall, Woods, McCleery, Hibben, Carson, Fraser, Spencer, Baie, Price, Breeding, Burmeister. |
008 004 238 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Giles, Dixon, Schultz, Firkins, Kirkpatrick, Hart, Low, Whitford, Baie, bRainerd, Wiltberger, Beck, Weilert, Flint, Greenwood, Fay, Ilseman, Bridge, Roberts, Eakle, Hefty Merriman, Whitford, Babcock, Schultz, Pierce, macklin, Pratt Wharton, Carson, Davis, Randle, Smith, Carnes, Wykle, Dean. VanKirk, Hubbell, Hipple. |
008 004 239 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Ames, Methodist church, Greeley, Price, Heeg, Graham, Thompson, Fuller, Wiltberger, Matteson, Davis, DeAtley, Huey, Wakefield, Elleby, Whitford, fall fair, Wollenweber, Stryker, Dixon, Quick, Griffith, Ritter, Swift, Drake, Herrick, Rowley, Ames. |
008 004 240 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - fall fair, Schymidtd, Cook, Breeding, Herrick, Fearon, VonOhlen, Gordon, Harvey, Noss, Carnes, Bark, Herrick, Watson, Ames, Broughton, Leifheit, Roberts, Dolder, Lutz, Bergstrand, Kirkpatrick, Borchers, Crane, Cross, Giles, Methodisr church, Breeding, Martin, Johnson, Swift, Greenfield, Huck, Hall. |
008 004 241 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Henderson, Weilert, Johnson, Fearon, Whitford, business, Clawson, Hopkins, Dean, McMillan, Andrews, McFarlane, Bridge, Low, Esperson, Swift, Blackman, Kirkpatrick, Weilert, Mizel, Logeland, Atherton, Baldry, railroad, Thompson, Jacobson, Martin, Bradbury, airplane, airport, coast to coast, Thompson, Baker, Darling, school, Breeding, Minnick, Conlon, Carson, Johnson, Rolf, Maier, Dean. |
008 004 242 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Brown, Roberts, Rowley, McFarlane, Mercer, Kirkpatrick, Tanglerase, Brainer, Harding, Howison, Bennett, Klein, Flages, Thompson, Keene, Nenson, Wallace, Lamb, Babcock, Wakefield, Darling, Schnibbe, York, Heeg, East, Graham, Low, Roberts, Allen, Kopp, Greeley, Price, Woods, Fuller, Whittaker, Giles, Hardy, Kennedy, Davis, Leifheit, Low, Swift, hospital building, Matteson, Spencer, Macklin, Price, BAker. |
008 004 243 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Methodist church, domestic science, Fuller, Woods, Price, Clark, Wilkinson, Tallman, Macklin, water rates, Thompson, Bark, Baie, Carson, Dean. Fuller, Wiltberger, Kesner, Wollenweber, Bridge, Herrick, Charlesworth, Minard, Coppess, Voris, Wiltse, Davis, Kirkpatrick, Whittaker, Schultz, Carnes, Morse, Woods, Merriman, Stryker, Fille, Tyler, Kauffman, Kirkpatrick. |
008 004 244 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Schmidt, Mizel, Thompson, Davis, Hinne, Wilkinson, Ovitz, Smith, Kane, Brown, Kirkpatrick, Eakle, Dannewitz, Baie, Wilson, chautauqua, Wallace, Stryker, Kilgore, Johnson, Hafelin merriman, Babcock, Tompkins, Chaney, Blackman, Wollenweber, Breeding, Hipple, Swift, Herrick, Rowley, Simpson, Whitney, Minnick, Wilkinson, Otjen, Brainerd, Woods, Charlesworth, Dixon. |
008 004 245 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Kirkpatrick, Allen, Greeley, Wiltberger, Fuller, Schermerhorn, Maxwell, domestic science, red cross, Gilchrist, Macklin, Price, Colton, Clark, Harold, Baldry, Fuller, Wakle, McAllister, Keene, Tompkins, Ames, Esperson, Keene, Kopher, Thompson, Johnson, Fuller, Mercer, Merriman, Greenfield, Harvey, Giles, Dixon, Wilkinson, HOlderness, armistice, celebration. |
008 004 246 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Wallace, Wiltse, Stryker, Dean, Keene, Price, Schutlz, Thompson, Keene, Weddige, Wollenweber, Mercer, Kennedy, Ames, Hutter, Noss, Greenfield, Giles, Stryker, Mizel, Wilkinson, Charlesworth, Kennedy, Simpson, Woods, Price, Mercer, Dean. |
008 004 247 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Dean. Furland, Baie, Matteson, Swift, Herrick, Kauffman, Ames, Carson, Davis, Wiltberger, Price, Woods, Liddick, Baie, Blackman, Wiltse, Miller, Davis, Minnick, Hubbel, Connell, Herrick, Wakefield, Kirkpatrick, Schultz, Leifheit,Darling, Hipple, pogue, Woods, Poter, Keene, Giles, Thompson, Knudson, Dixon, Congdon, Price, Hugg, Nelson, Hiland, Gilchrist, Lamb, Roberts, Olmstead, Whitford, Wiltberger, Granart, Tompkins, Hardy, Carson. |
008 004 248 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Schultz, Swift, Dean. Schmidt, Hunt, Kirk, Rowley, Gilchirst, Pritchard, Whitford, Haefelin, Wallace, Babcock, Hardy, Allen, Greeley, Darling, Mercer, Eakle, East, sports, Ritter, Olmstead, Jacobs, storm, Stryker, Boekenhaauer, Whittaker, Dean. farmer's institute. |
008 004 249 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Presbyterian church, Methodist, Schultz, Whitford, Babcock, Woods, East, Hipple, Leifheit, Greenfield, Kirkpatrick, Kennedy, Keene, Giles, Carson, Hipple, Breeding, Greeley, Allen, Potter, Hipple, Fuller, Harvey, Carnes, Esperson, Hopkins, Baldry, Schermerhorn, Richmond, Kesner, Macklin, Firkins, Swift, Brainerd, Alfred, Kirner, Gilchrist, Specht, Fuller, Jennings, Dean., Bennett, Thompkins, Ames, McFarland, Lamb, Babcock, Huey, Stryker, Darling, Kopp, Whitford. |
008 004 250 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Holderness, Boekenhauer, Anspach, Hipple, Ames, Carson, Tompkins, East, Merriman, Moore, Swift, Kirkpatrick, Johnson, Schmidt, Whitford, Ames, Herrick, Swift, Gaver, Kopp, Kauffman, Keene, Stryker, Nelson, Eakle, Spencer, Wilson, Baie, Masonic lodge, Schultz, Hipple, Babcock, Price, Anderson, DAvis, Logan, Alford, Presbyterian church, Wilkinson, Taylor. |
008 004 251 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Congdon, Maxwell, Mosher, Giles, Johnsberg, Griffith, Payne, Peterson, Barrows, Smith, Trenholm, Quick, Ames, Faissler, Fulton, Roberts, Johnson, Bennett, Woods, McFarlane. |
008 004 252 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Lamb, Stryker, McAllister, Elleby, Bark, Randles, Kennedy, Greenfield, Carson, Frost, Husk, Babcock, Crane, Wilson, Macklin, Bridge, Matteson, Raylor, Stover, Keene, Allen, Chestnut, East, Mizel, Watson, Kilgore, Huff, Howison, Carson, Herrick, Greeley, Kirkpatrick, Brown, Hipple, Anspach, Boekenhauer, Whittaker, McDougal, Bean, Schermerhorn, farmer's intitute, Roberts. |
008 004 253 | 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 Scrapbook including - Woods, Richmond, Ferguson, McCleery, Darling, Rowley, Merriman, Eakle, Graham, Eakle, McCasky, Davis, Woods, Thompson, Hunt, Pogue, Price, Baie, Furland, Fuller, Chenney, Gilchrist, Hipple, Stewart, Graham, Wollenweber. |
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